A day out on the disc golf course is always fantastic and fun. Those days get even better when you’re doing well and throwing some really awesome discs. Today, we’re going to be looking at a collection of the 15 all time best discs to ever be made for the disc golf course. We’ve got our list, filled with a ton of detail and pictures to accompany you every step of the way. Feel free to get in contact with us to let us know what you think about this list and what we should add to it in the future!
15 All-time best disc golf discs
1. Dynamic Discs Sheriff
2. Innova Valkyrie
3. Innova Pro Katana
4. Latitude 64 River
5. Innova Champion Boss
6. Innova Wombat
7. Discraft Buzzz
8. Dynamic Discs Truth
9. Dynamic Discs Evidence
10. Innova Atlas
11. Westside Discs Harp
12. Innova Aviar
13. Dynamic Discs Judge
14. Latitude 64 Mercy
15. Discraft Zone
Why I wrote this post
Above all, this post is dedicated to those who love disc golf. I’ve played now for a few years and have thrown some really awesome discs.
I made this list because I want everyone to understand and get to know 15 of the best disc golf discs on the market today. These discs are extremely influential and I’m sure a great majority of the people reading this will have a few of these fantastic discs in their bag.
It’s important to have some of these discs in your bag
This list of disc golf discs runs the gamut for what you should have tucked away. These discs are the best of the best and deserve to be in your bag. Remember, you always deserve some new discs. 🙂
1. Dynamic Discs Sheriff
Flight ratings: 13, 5, -1, 2
Nickname: 5-0 (Five Oh)
Before I even say anything else, go pick one of these up. I’m particularly fond of this disc because of my background in law enforcement. This is my all-time favorite driver. You can get one here on InfiniteDiscs.com.
How does it feel?
Upon picking this disc up, it has a very shallow rim which makes it easy to grip. So the ability to grip this disc makes it one of the most controllable high-speed distance drivers you can own. It’s a very thin-looking disc, but it always does the job when it comes out of your hand.
How does it throw?
The Sheriff is designed to go far. It was originally designed to be a 14 speed disc, but couldn’t quite make the cut. This disc is no joke, as it can fly through the air for what seems to be forever. Superior glide helps to keep the disc up. Once it leaves your hand you will understand what I mean when I say that this disc speaks for itself. The high speed, along with the superior glide, makes this driver very versatile and great for long anhyzers, flex shots, and pure hyzer shots.
This disc is for intermediate and advanced players. I would not recommend it for beginners.
Staple feature: A true multi-tool. This disc can help you out in almost any driving situation.
2. Innova Valkyrie
Flight ratings: 9, 4, -2, 2
Nickname: The Valk
The Innova Valkyrie is a really interesting disc. One of those really great discs that you may not like at first, but grows on you in just a few short rounds. You can grab one for your bag here on Discgolfunited.com.
How does it feel?
This disc is very sleek and has great grip with the Innova DX plastic. Overall, the disc feels good holding before the throw and has an easy launch due to the moderate speed rating.
How does it throw?
The Valk is a fantastic and extremely well-balanced disc. For those who are seasoned, this former distance champion can help them get a ton of distance on their throws. The Valk is a straight up beast when it comes to turnover shots. Turnover shots and rollers come easy for those who know how to use this disc properly. But advanced players aren’t the only ones who can play so well with it. This disc is set up perfectly for a beginner to amateur player. Low speed, high glide, and high turn can help even the newest of players get some good distance Lastly, even though it’s understable, it is masterful in its ability to be wind resistant.
Why it made this list
This disc is easily one of the most popular disc golf drivers in the world. It held the distance world record for over 10 years at 830 feet, which is insanely impressive. And this disc is probably one of the best values in disc golf. The quality disc you get for such a small amount of money makes this disc a must have in almost any bag.
I highly recommend this for not just beginners, but every skill set should own one of these discs.
Staple features: former distance world champ at 830 feet and best distance for beginners
3. Innova Pro Katana
Flight ratings: 13, 5, -3, 3
Nickname: Sidewinder on Steroids
How does it feel?
As far as the plastic goes, this disc is right in the middle of being too hard or too soft. The Katana’s feel is just right. Good thing this disc is easy to grip, because you have to have a strong throw to get this baby up to speed! Check current Discgolfunited prices for the Innova Katana here.
How does it throw?
The Innova Katana is first and foremost a high-speed distance driver. This disc is super entertaining to watch when thrown correctly. The Katana is extremely understable with a good amount of fade on the tail end. If you’re an advanced thrower, you can crush a long distance drive like it’s nobody’s business. The physics of this disc make it great for hyzer flips, but be careful because the extreme turn rating can sneak up on you if you’re not careful. The Katana is really good for anhyzer shots.
Beginner to amateur players can benefit from the extreme understability, but need to increase arm strength as it takes a good amount of speed to make this disc work for you. I wouldn’t recommend this disc for a beginner until you have about a year of solid playing time under your belt.
Staple feature: arguably the best disc with this turn rating on the market.
4. Latitude 64 River
Flight ratings: 7, 7, -1, 1
Nickname: The Riv
How does it feel?
This disc just feels ridiculously balanced overall. The River is a very high rated distance driver because of how it feels to hold and to throw. Although it has a thin profile because it’s a driver, it doesn’t remind me of a driver when I hold it. I mean I can tell it’s a driver when I throw it, but the River has a unique shape that feels more like a really fun mid-range…and I’m completely okay with that. Get a River now here on InfiniteDiscs.com.
How does it throw?
Did I mention that this disc was fun? Because it throws really smooth. I absolutely love the flight ratings and how this disc was made, because when thrown properly, the Riv will rip you a straight line and fade off ever so slightly at the end. Advanced players love the accuracy and consistency.
The River is a really good choice for beginners because of the low speed, superior glide, good understable turn, and small amount of fade. This disc will get you easy distance if you don’t quite have the arm for a high speed disc. It’s easy to control and tends to fly ridiculously straight. If you’re a new player, I can confidently say that this is one of the best beginner drivers to play with next to the Innova Leopard.
Staple feature: best gliding disc on the market.
5. Innova Champion Boss
Flight ratings: 13, 5, 0, 3
Nickname: The man in charge
How does it feel?
This is an interesting, very thin disc. I’m not the biggest fan of how the disc feels, but d*mn if it doesn’t fly far when I throw it. You can actually grip the disc pretty well, but I’m more of a fan of a thicker disc like the Sheriff or the River. Get crazy distance with a Boss immediately. Grab one on Discgolfunited.com here.
How does it throw?
First off, just know that this disc is very hard to master and I do not recommend it for beginners. For those intermediate and better players, get one of these discs and start learning how to use it. If you need a disc for pure distance, and the Katana won’t cut it, the Boss will handle the job. It’s also very stable so it easily cuts through headwinds.
Staple feature: current distance world record holder at 1,108.9 feet. David Wiggins set this record in 2016 and it has yet to have been eclipsed.
Extra: Discraft Big Z Thrasher
Flight ratings: 12, 5, -3, 2
Nickname: Thrash money millionaire
How does it feel?
I just want to start by saying that Discraft has really stepped up their game with disc quality. Ever since the first time I threw this, I’ve liked the feel of the plastic a lot. It’s very grip-oriented and easy to throw. The disc is fairly stiff as well, but with just the smallest amount of soft plastic on top. I’m liking this brand more and more because of their trend of creating high-quality, easy-to-throw discs. The Thrasher continues that tradition tenfold. If you’re interested in this disc, grab one on InfiniteDiscs.com here.
How does it throw?
The Thrasher throws similar to the Innova Katana. I believe that’s it’s a good beginner driver because of how understable it is. It does require a bit of speed, which may cause some to steer clear of it. Beginners can make it work but should try to get some arm speed before taking this disc on. Advanced players will love this disc, as it can smash hyzer flips and just about any wind condition.
Staple feature: my ultimate disc golf karma disc. After finding a beat up Discraft Thrasher, I sent it back to it’s grateful owner who said it was his favorite disc. A few weeks after sending it back, I found a brand new Discraft Thrasher, the one in the picture above, sitting right on top of a basket at a local course.
If you can find one: Innova DISC FROM THE GODS!
Flight ratings: whatever you want it to be
Nickname: it’s called the DISC FROM THE GODS! Does it need a nickname?
The Innova DISC FROM THE GODS! is a special kind of disc golf disc. It’s also very rare. Finding a disc like this usually only happens once in a lifetime if you’re able to collect enough disc karma. Luckily enough, I found one of these during a recent round and allowed my buddy Hunter to start throwing with it.
How does it throw?
Along with the lightning strikes on every throw, and the heavens opening up with the sweet sweet sound of an angel chorus during flight, the DISC FROM THE GODS! just so happens to fly exactly how you want it to. Sharp dogleg right? Just throw and watch the magic happen. Need something that will fly 600 feet, turn right, then left, and then right? Yep, the DISC FROM THE GODS! will make it happen for you. If you find one of these discs, never ever let it go (for you have been blessed by a higher power). This disc will never get lost completely and will always come to those for ask for help.
Staple feature: the only disc that’s given out by THE GODS!
Grab one here on Discgolfunited.com!
6. Innova Wombat
Flight ratings: 5, 6, -1, 0
Nickname: The Womb (yes, I know it sounds totally gross)
How does it feel?
As far as the plastic goes on this disc, it feels really good to throw. The disc is right in the middle of stiff and floppy, which gives it a very nice grippy throw when released. The Wombat3 is a little bit stiffer but still throws about the same. If you want to check out InfiniteDiscs.com, you can get a Wombat here or check out Discgolfunited.com and get a Wombat3 here.
How does it throw?
Situationally, the Wombat is the perfect disc. It can be used for anything which makes it really awesome in my opinion. The Womb is a great approach disc. It tends to stick the landing when it hits the ground. This is the case even further out from the basket. This disc acts like it has sticky tape on it most of the time. No matter who you are, you will love this disc. It will fly the same for almost all players but tends to hold a very straight line. If you have thrown this disc, try out the upgraded Wombat3, which is slightly less bulky and a bit stiffer. Again, it should still throw about the same.
This disc is perfect for beginners. I highly recommend you get one.
Staple feature: this is hands down my overall favorite disc. It has helped me improve more than any other discs in my bag.
7. Discraft Buzzz
Flight ratings: 5, 4, -1, 1
Nickname: The Stinger
How does it feel?
The Buzzz is infamous in the disc golf world and has a reputation of being an easy to throw disc with a history of ace runs. I didn’t really like the Buzzz when I first started playing with it, but it has definitely grown on me. With its sticky grip, and beadless rim, it’s one of my three go-to mid-range discs. You can get one here on InfiniteDiscs.com or in the Discraft starter pack here on Amazon.
How does it throw?
The Buzzz is very simple in design, yet boasts a consistent, reliable, stable, and dependable line no matter how you throw. It is very accurate and will usually stay headed in the direction it is thrown with little fade on the end. This disc is great for all players including beginners (who stand to benefit a ton from practicing with it). Discraft stands by this disc 100% percent and believes that it’s the best disc golf disc money can buy.
Staple features: most popular mid-range of all time. All time ace leader with well over 5,000 aces according to discgolfscene.com’s Facebook page.
8. Dynamic Discs Prime Truth
Flight ratings: 5, 5, -1, 1
Nickname: Honest Abe (that dude tells the truth)
How does it feel?
Feels good in your hand. Less bulky than most mid-range discs. Grab a Dynamic Discs Truth here on InfiniteDiscs.com.
How does it throw?
This disc is highly adaptable on the disc golf course, thus being the multi-tool of mid-range discs. The Truth is reliable and consistent, and can get a ton of distance if thrown correctly. “True” to each and every throw, the Truth can help beginner’s improve their game a lot. Use this as a practice disc for a few rounds and watch how much you improve!
Staple feature: arguably of the best mid-range discs for distance.
9. Evidence
Flight ratings: 5, 5, -1, 0
Nickname: Mr. Reliable
How does it feel?
Overall, the feel is similar to a Buzzz, but is a little bit smoother. Throws like a Dynamic Discs Truth, but is a bit bulkier. That bulk, though, is not uncomfortable or hard to hold. It’s actually pretty easy to grip this disc. I love the evidence and you can too. Pick one up from InfiniteDiscs.com here.
How does it throw?
The Evidence supports beginner players, making it a great recommendation if you were to pick one up. This disc usually flies pretty straight and holds the line well. It has both strong torque resistance and good distance control. So if you throw it fast, it will do what you want it to. It does also respond to slower throws with no issue. Mr. Reliable is extremely trustworthy and can help you improve your game dramatically.
Staple features: the disc featured is my buddy Hunter’s mid-range. That featured disc is by far one of the coolest looking discs out.
10. Innova Atlas
Flight ratings: 5, 5, 0, 1
Nickname: Dub (because of the double mold)
Innova uses 4 “compass points” on this new disc to secure the two pieces of plastic together. It’s an insane mold that works really well together. Check the current price of the Innova Atlas here on InfiniteDiscs.com.
How does it feel?
The Atlas is a very nice disc to throw. This is my new favorite to throw because of how awesome the double mold feels. I’ve crushed a lot of drives with this disc because of how far it flies. Although I haven’t yet aced any holes with it, this disc has gotten me closer than anything else on about 10 occasions already. The disc has an unparalleled grip with the gummy composite rim that looks really cool on it. I’ve got a black rim with pink disc and I love it so far.
How does it throw?
Two words: freakin’ fantastic. If I left it at that I think you’d understand how much I like this disc. This disc is perfect for hyzer shots and crushes approach shots as it usually sticks when it lands.
Staple feature: combines two different plastics in the same disc.
11. Westside Discs Harp
Flight ratings: 4, 3, 0, 2
Nickname: butter (because this disc throws as smooth as a hot knife through butter)
How does this disc feel?
I will just go ahead and say that I freaking love this disc. It is very sturdy, which is what I like in a putter, but still has a soft-ish feel to it. Definitely one of the weirdest discs I’ve felt. But this unique feel and mold makes the Harp really stand out to me. After a pretty extensive amount of use as both a putter, mid-range, and driver, this disc is getting worn out and the plastic isn’t holding up as well as I would like. But that’s probably to be expected from a disc of which has the primary purpose of putting and short approach shots. Definitely pick one of these up (link to InfiniteDiscs.com).
How does it throw?
After all of that hype from paragraph one, I probably don’t need a lot more to sell the Harp, but here’s some anyways. As a putter, the Harp plays beautiful music directly into the basket…consistently. aside from just putting, it has the designation of a “mid-range putter.” So it is designed for approach shots as well. This might be why the design is similar to some mid-range discs like the Dynamic Discs Truth.
If you are going to approach with it, know that it is a straight to stable disc that tends to fly very succinct and in tune with the straight line in front of you (or whatever line you choose to throw). The Harp will also hold the line in most weather conditions including wind and rain. The grip on the disc itself is great for the rain, too.
Overall, the Harp is a very fun to throw approach putter. If you use putters to practice with, this putter should be in your hand. It can easily crush a 250 foot drive if it gets thrown hard enough. But all-in-all, no matter what job you’re using the Harp for, it will work for you. Definitely pick one up if you can because this is one of the best value discs for your money. Great beginner disc to learn and improve your game with.
Staple feature: The multi-tool of putters. The Harp can tackle any job with ease. Just ask Ricky Wysocki, as this was one of his go-to approach discs on the pro tour.
12. Innova Champion Aviar
Flight ratings: 2, 3, 0, 1
Nickname: Ace (although it hasn’t gotten me any yet)
How does it feel?
Ridiculously durable disc. The sturdy plastics that these come in can withstand just about any impact without getting messed up too bad. My first Aviar was given to me, but you can check out the Aviar here on Discgolfunited.com.
How does it throw?
The Innova Aviar discs are the most popular putters on the market because of reliability and dependability. It’s a really solid putter and decent for short approach shots. If you use this disc as a practice disc, it will help you improve your game tremendously and help you throw your disc straighter. And this disc is super cheap, too! If you want an even higher quality disc, check out the Mcpro Tour Series Aviars. The plastic is higher quality and it was designed in part by Paul Mcbeth.
Staple feature: most popular putter on the market
13. Dynamic Discs Prime Judge
Flight ratings: 2, 4, 0, 1
Nickname: The judge crushes all approach shots and putts rendering a guilty verdict on every shot. Thus, there is no need for a nickname.
How does it feel?
The Judge has an awesome feel to it. Not too stiff or too floppy. Thus, the plastic feels just right making this fun to throw. The Prime Judge is normally only like $12 bucks on InfiniteDiscs.com, but check the current price here now.
Some good info
According to InfiniteDiscs.com, the Judge is their top selling putter. It’s also highly reviewed with 4.6 stars out of 5. The Judge is really cheap, too! I got it for less than $10 bucks at InfiniteDiscs.com.
How does it throw?
The Judge is just an overall good throwing putter. But the plastic for the Prime Judge is not very high quality, so try to stay away from throwing it on approach shots or drives. The trees and terrain will tear it up quickly. It tends to be very predictable and flies straight on the majority of putts.
Staple feature: my favorite disc golf putter.
14. Latitude 64 Mercy
Flight ratings: 2, 4, 0, 1
Nickname: Lamborghini Mercy
How does it feel?
In light of how well this disc throws, there is nothing special about the mercy in regards to how it feels. It is similar to the Dynamic Discs Truth or Westside Discs Harp in mold. There’s a lot of grip allowing this disc to be thrown for more than just putts. Grab a Mercy on InfiniteDiscs.com.
How does it throw?
After speaking to a few friends and finding more information online, I found out that this is a very highly reviewed and sought after putter. The mercy throws excellent for almost all putts. Because of the mold of this disc, it plays more like a mid-range approach putter. Approach shots with this disc usually drop in nicely and stick well.
Just like the Westside Discs Harp, you can use this disc to disc down and play full rounds. The Mercy is a good disc to practice with throughout the course and is fun to try and throw far. And this disc can crush a 250 foot drive with ease if you throw it perfectly. You point, it goes.
Staple feature: best disc for jump putts.
15. Discraft Zone
Flight ratings: 4, 3, 0, 3
Nickname: Kanye West (because you don’t want to let him get into his zone like the kid in this video below)
How does it feel?
This disc definitely has plenty of grip. It reminds me of a Dynamic Discs Truth in shape with its low profile. Now overall, I like the feel and so do many others in the disc golf community. I got my Zone online here at InfiniteDiscs.com.
How does it throw?
Well, it is the best putter to get “in the zone” with…you see what I did there? The Zone is very overstable which makes it very fade heavy. Although it’s a good putter, it makes a great disc for overstable approaches, hyzers, and forehands. This disc can also handle a lot of torque very well. So try discing down and playing with it. You might be pleasantly surprised. I definitely like this disc but I don’t really play with it that much. This disc made the final spot in this list because of how popular it is in the disc golf community.
Staple feature: best putter for rainy and windy conditions.
So, We’ve reached the end of this post and hopefully I’ve persuaded you to go out and get a few new discs. If not, think about it. If you had a few of these historic champions floating around, you might just be able to reach the top of your disc golf game. Now who wouldn’t want that?
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Disc Golf 101: A Step by Step Beginner’s Guide
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Don’t forget to check out the book!
Before you go, don’t forget to check out the best beginner disc golf book on the planet, “The Disc Golf Player’s Manual.” This ebook is packed with over 200+ pages of the best tips, tricks, and advice for new players. Im telling you, this book is epic. If you want to seriously improve in disc golf, you need this book. So don’t miss out!