The 27 Best Disc Golf Distance Tips for Beginners

On an extremely windy day in 2016, professional disc golfer David Wiggins Jr. was looking to set a new distance record. The High Desert Distance Challenge in Las Vegas, Nevada, always draws huge names and looks for the disc golfer who can break the all-time record.

Wiggins was warmed up and ready to throw his Innova Boss. In 30-40 mile per hour winds, the disc was going to fly. So he wound up, used every ounce of energy he could produce, and flung the disc as far as he could possibly throw it. Farther than anyone else has ever thrown it.

At 1,108.9 feet, Wiggins became the all-time distance world record holder, smashing the previous record of 863.5 feet set in 2014 by Simon Lizotte. Though the wind was definitely a factor, Wiggins still threw the disc over a thousand feet!

Obviously, most of us won’t be throwing that far, but we all seek to gain distance in our disc golf game. That’s where I come in. I’m here to show you how to get that distance. But why does this even matter in the first place?

Why does distance matter?

There are a lot of reasons why distance matters. First of all, because distance is always in between you and the basket. And some holes are very long. Those holes need you to be able to throw a ridiculous amount of feet to be played correctly. Also, when you play competitively, you have to complete a lot of holes under par to win. Because these holes are so far away, you need to be able to throw the distance in order to get your disc closer to the basket in the first couple of throws. Distance plays a huge role here. But distance matters most because being able to throw 500 plus feet is freaking awesome and is quite a feat. I know you want to break that benchmark. Don’t worry, with these tips, you’ll be able to.

How do you get more distance on your throws?

You can gain more distance in disc golf by doing distance field work, always using good technique, using a power grip on the disc, increasing your overall throw speed, using your legs for power, setting distance goals, and continuing to practice with disc golf distance drills.

You’re going to get more distance on your throws by following all of the 27 tips we have listed in this post. These 27 different tips are things that you can do differently or tweak to be able to get the most out of your discs and your ability to throw those discs. Every single tip in here is a collaboration of the best tips and tricks out today. If you follow every single tip, and you dedicate yourself to practicing and implementing them into your game, you can easily add 100 to 200 more feet to your throws. Guaranteed.

Learn more than just the basics. Learn how to play the right way. The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide.

Check it out here.

The 27 Best Disc Golf Distance Tips for Beginners

1. Practice

I heard one of my mentors say one time, “practice doesn’t make perfect, practice makes permanent.” I thought that was very insightful and it always seems to apply to disc golf. When it comes down to tips in disc golf, practice will always be my number one. There are 27 tips on this list, but the rest of the 26 tips after this one don’t really matter unless you practice. Now, I know you may not want to hear this, but if you really want to improve your distance, you need to get out there and practice. It’s going to take you hundreds of rounds of course and field work. And even then, you’ll still have to fine tune the small things.

Check out our discussion of using a personal net to practice in our post, “The #1 Way to Improve Your Disc Golf Game This Year.”

2. Patience

Remember how long and how many rounds I said it’s going to take you to start gaining more distance…A LOT. But you need to be patient with yourself because you will get there. Think about something: Paul Mcbeth, Avery Jenkins, and Seppo Paju didn’t just wake up as champions. They have put in so much time, you’d think that they were born on a disc golf course. That’s the kind of time and patience you need to put forth. Don’t get frustrated if you don’t get that distance right away, just keep at it. Remember: everything that’s worth it takes time. Now let’s get into the good stuff!

Check out our post, “11 Ways Patience Will Help You Win in Disc Golf.”

3. Don’t run up for momentum

When you get ready to throw, and you’re trying to get some distance, it only seems logical that you need to run up on the tee pad to get momentum for your shot, right? WRONG. There is a common misconception among disc golf beginner players. It seems like the more momentum you get on your shot, the farther distance you will get when you throw. But this is not how you get more distance on your throws. This is exactly what I thought when I first started. But I soon noticed the better players not running up on the tee pad. Why? Because this goes against every disc golf technique in the book. Once you are a complete player, and have mastered all of the proper techniques, then you can work on your body momentum on the tee pad.

4. Slow is smooth and smooth is far

The concept of slow is smooth and smooth is far is very simple. When you start your throws, start out slow and controlled. As you move through the motion, your body will be a lot smoother and your throws will most likely get the same, if not more distance, on your shot. The weird thing with this concept is that it’s totally true and it took me forever to understand it. Once you can start taking it a little slower, you will immediately start gaining 40 to 50 feet on your overall throwing distance. You need to slow down as well because too much momentum with bad technique can cause injury. This is what happened to me.

5. Learn the proper techniques

The video that’s displayed above shows a few of the pros and how they throw with correct technique. It’s amazing how all four players throw almost exactly in sync. Obviously they are all using great technique and are at the top of their game. Technique is one of the most important aspects of the game. Nothing else really matters if you don’t practice and have good technique. You can read a little bit more about technique here in our blog post, “7 Steps to the Best Disc Golf Technique and a Perfect Throw.” Once you’ve established a good throwing technique, your distance on the course will improve dramatically.

6. Grip

Grip is an important factor in mastering your discs and starting to crush your distance drives. You want the disc in your hands not too loose or too tight. Something right in the middle. You want a grip that feels “just right.” Check out the grip video below by pro Zach Melton. His video can really show you how to hold the disc with proper grip so that you can start to gain more distance on your drives.

One really great disc for grip when putting is the Dynamic Discs Judge. Get on here on

7. Speed

Gaining more speed on your drives is one way to add a few more feet onto each and every drive. There are tons of videos on YouTube on how to improve speed, but the best video to watch is probably the Beto drill. You can see that here. This video is short and sweet and references both speed and distance. More speed or torque in your throw generally means more distance down range. But just remember: develop technique first before speed. A great disc to practice this with is the Dynamic Discs Sheriff (link to

8. The towel drill

A fantastic drill that helps to work on the speed of your throw is the towel drill. In the video below this paragraph, Dave Feldberg demonstrates how to complete this drill. The point of this drill is to get the towel to snap through the air by whipping it very fast. You will hear more of a “snap” than a “whoosh” sound. If you hear the snap without pulling the towel back at the end, you are demonstrating the drill properly. Amazon has a couple of good selections of disc golf towels that you can check out here.

9. Power

Power is something that not many achieve in the sport of disc golf. According to, power is ,”to move or travel with great speed or force.” But power is something special if you can use it in disc golf to gain more distance. I believe power is a mixture of speed, strength, and explosiveness, combined to equal great force in whatever you’re trying to accomplish. If you seek to gain more distance on your throws, research power and try to use it for your throws.

10. Use your legs!

Distance becomes a little bit easier to get if you can start to understand the importance of using your legs when you throw. Leg strength is a key factor in gaining distance on each one of your throws. The video above of pro disc golfer Page Pierce shows how crucial the legs are in propelling the body and your throw an extra 30-40 feet. This tip is fantastic and is something a lot of amateur players don’t catch onto right away. Building up your leg muscles with steady exercise can help you achieve the strength you need for superior disc distance. We have a couple of good leg exercises in our post, “The 12 Best Disc Golf Exercises to Keep You Fit.”

11. What about timing?

Timing is everything on the disc golf course. Timing, or the moment you go from throwing motion to disc release, is important because you want your throw and release to be perfectly timed. That perfect timing, along with everything else done correctly, can help you maximize every bit of distance that you can get. Focus on timing your throws to release straight ahead. The net drill that I’ve got later in this post can help you with timing.

12. Balance

Balance is an essential part of disc golf. If you’re not balanced, your entire throw can go awry. And proper balance can help you keep good form and start moving your throws into the long distance club. Balance is also extremely important in rough terrain areas where you have to throw long throws, maintain accuracy, and use proper form. In order to improve balance, you can exercise on a balance ball or do balance and stability exercises like the ones demonstrated by Seth Munsey in this post on

13. The follow through

The follow through is the motion you do after you release the discs. It’s allowing your body to continue through the throw and continuing to turn with the momentum after the disc flies out of your grip. This part of the throw is a very important piece in the distance puzzle and needs to be done on every single throw. It’s very simple. You just allow your body to keep turning after the disc leaves you. This can help you gain a few feet on your throw.

14. Make sure you throw discs at your skill level

When you aren’t as skilled at throwing yet, it’s easy to want to pick up discs out of your skill range and try to throw with them. You see your friends throwing discs with amazing distance and skill and you feel like you can do that with the same discs they may use. Well, you can’t. In order to start getting more distance and getting better as a disc golfer, you need to use discs in your skill level. Low speed, high glide, understable discs are meant for beginners or amateurs. These discs are easy to throw and can help you perfect the form needed to throw farther. Choose the right discs and you will soon start crushing your drives.

Our beginner disc guide, “The 37 Best Disc Golf Discs for Beginners (You Need These),” should be able to help you out. Otherwise, just check out for some great plastic.

15. Disc the f*ck down

A fantastic way to start getting more distance on your throws is by discing down from a driver. What that means is that you use a mid-range or lower. By doing so, you will have to force yourself to throw farther in order to do well. Mid-range discs are not designed like drivers and cannot go near as far. As a beginner to amateur player, you should not work on your distance with a driver at all. Move down to mid-range discs and practice until you can’t throw anymore. Over time, your distance will increase enough for you to move back up.

16. Play your rounds with a putter

If you really want to go extreme, try discing all the way down to a putter. Putters are not designed to go very far, so this can be a good way to work on accuracy and your distance. Once you are able to throw over 200 feet consistently with your putter, move back up to a mid-range. A putter can really help you lengthen your distance on the course. Try using a putter for your whole round.

Check out the Dynamic Discs Prime Judge or the Westside Discs Harp to use for this tip (links to They are both very consistent putt and approach discs that you can use for improving your distance.

17. Play with an ultimate frisbee disc

A few weeks ago, I saw some kids on the course playing with what appeared to be legitimate frisbees and I laughed and kept playing through. Those two guys eventually caught up and went on through. They were playing super fast and came back around again and caught up to my party. The second time through I asked them why they were playing with Ultimate Frisbee discs and they explained the significance. They said they often play with a frisbee to practice. That this practice helped them with accuracy, form, and distance.

I thought about it for awhile and ended up getting an Ultimate Frisbee disc (link to Amazon). I tried playing with it and it was very difficult. But it seemed to make throwing a disc golf disc easier. I don’t know if they has helped me out tremendously yet, but it seems like it could. It’s an interesting practice concept regardless.

18. Once you’ve mastered beginner discs…

After a lengthy amount of time, and once you’ve mastered your beginner discs, move on up to the distance makers. Move up to discs that are made for distance and that take real skill to throw. Start to optimize your bag with distance discs. These discs are meant to fly better and farther. Three great discs to check out: Prodigy X5 distance driver, Innova R Pro Boss distance driver, or the Dynamic Discs Sheriff distance driver (all links to

19. Disc weight

When looking for maximum distance, the weight of your disc plays a huge role. If the disc is too heavy, the drag of the disc will cause it to not fly as far. If you’re looking for the most distance, shoot for discs that are 165 grams or lower. When David Wiggins Jr. famously broke the distance record, his boss weighed in at 154 grams. I’d say that’s a pretty ideal weight if you really want to maximize your distance on the course. Grab an Innova Champion Boss here on

20. Find a mentor

If you find a couple of solid mentors to show you have to play, you will undoubtedly get better and start gaining more distance in your throws. Mentors are teachers or coaches that will show you how to throw correctly, play correctly, and get the distance that you’ve always wanted. There’s almost nothing better than having a more skilled player show you how to throw farther and more accurately. When playing with a mentor, make sure to take all criticism and advice. This will guarantee you some distance! Check out our post, “7 Reasons Why You Need a Mentor in Disc Golf,” for more.

21. The net drill

For this, you need to buy a large net, similar to one that you could hit golf balls into. Make sure it is sturdy enough to catch discs thrown at max speed. For this drill, work on technique and throwing the disc hard and straight. This drill is about repetition and consistently throwing the same way with good technique on every throw.

I bought this 10×10 baseball backstop net off of Amazon and set it up in my garage. I can use it for whatever I want including throwing disc golf discs into it for practice (pictures coming soon).

Also, check out our discussion of using a net for practice here in our post, “The #1 Way to Improve Your Disc Golf Game This Year.”

22. The football field drill

A great way to work on accuracy and distance. Set yourself at the 50 yard line which is about 150 feet. Use a putter. Try to get your disc through the uprights. Continue to try and hit that sweet spot between the field goal posts. Move back ten yards at a time until you get to the back of the opposite end zone of the football field. From that point to the field goal post on the other side is around 360 feet. Do not use a driver for these drills. Only a putter or a mid range. This will substantially help you work on both distance and accuracy. If you can throw a putter or mid-range 360 feet, you should be able to bomb a driver much farther than that!

Pro tip: after these drills, make sure that you take care of your body so that you can heal quickly and not get injured. Both of these drills require a high number of throws which causes strain to your muscles, joints and tendons. You need to look after yourself, because you’re an athlete!

We also have a great drills post for you here called, “The 50 Best Disc Golf Drills to Change Your Game Forever.”

23. Set goals for yourself

When you’re out on the course, the ultimate goal is to improve your distance and be able to throw far. But that goal is so general and vague, it won’t let you really take advantage of this tip. Because you’re trying to throw the disc farther, you may not be content with your distance right now. That’s okay. You shouldn’t ever be content with how you play. You should always try to do better. With gaining distance, as well as anything in disc golf, you need to set some specific short term and long term goals. The key here is specific. For short term goals, you should set up how far you want to be able to throw by this date or that date. For long term goals, you should set up a target distance, for example 500 feet, and aim to got that goal by a long term date (say 18 months from now). Use goals to help you. They are very important and can help you hold yourself accountable.

24. Get your yourself into the best shape possible

By exercising and getting your body into top shape, you’re doing yourself a service. Disc golf is a very physical game, whereas you’ll notice that the best players in the world are very fit. If you’re looking to add more distance to your game, you need to hit the gym and build some strength up. In disc golf, when you throw, you will use your entire body. Because of this, off the course workouts are crucial to your on the course development. With distance, you need a lot of power, strength, and fitness to throw far. The more in shape you are, the better you can use your whole body to attempt long drives. Just simply being a little bit healthier can add an immediate 20-30 feet onto your drive. For a great disc golf workout, check out our post, “The 12 Best Disc Golf Exercises to Keep You Fit.”

25. Become more flexible

When it comes to throwing in disc golf, flexibility plays a key role. Similar to what we said in tip 24 about being in shape, being as flexible as possible is definitely what you want to be. Disc golf is a very physical game and being flexible can first and foremost prevent injuries because your flexible muscles are less likely to tear. But there’s more to this flexibility thing. When you’re trying to get more distance, you need more leverage on your throws. So more arm flexibility gives you the ability to stretch your arm further back before slinging the disc forward. If you’re interested in becoming more flexible, check out our post called, “The 17 Best Disc Golf Stretches to Improve Your Game.” It’s a great post on stretching all of the muscles used in disc golf.

26. Learn

Continuous learning is the only way that you continue to improve, become a better overall player, and increase the distance of your throws. If you want to throw 500 plus feet, try to learn everything you can about discs and distance. Read other articles, watch videos, and dedicate yourself to getting more distance on throws. Just learning about how to play can help you out tremendously. If you read articles, make sure they explain things in depth like our articles on Otherwise, try to watch stuff on YouTube. If you do all of that, you will start crushing it within a matter of months.

Check out our awesome book, “The Disc Golf Player’s Manual,” in the sidebar to the right.

27. Don’t let distance be the only thing you focus on

Obviously you read this post for distance tips so I didn’t want to shortchange you at all. The 26 tips before this one can all help you maximize how far you can throw. And distance is super important. But be careful with this, because you shouldn’t let distance be the only thing you focus on. It’s great to throw far, but you should also focus on your accuracy as well. You need to be able to accurately throw as far as possible. A lot of the following tips can help you become much more accurate and consistent in your throwing. Check out’s post called, “Tuesday Tips for Consistent Throws.” That post can help you out a lot with consistency and accuracy. You can also learn more in our epic post, “101 Disc Golf Tips to Take Your Game to the Next Level.”

So what have we learned?

First of all, it takes a lot of time, energy, and effort to really improve your game. Gaining distance on your throws seems to be even harder. But if you take in everything that we’ve given you here today, you will undoubtedly start to conquer your throws out on the disc golf course. So why wait any longer? Thanks for reading, disc golfers. Now get out there and go throw!

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An interesting video with about monster distance.

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The 12 Best Disc Golf Exercises to Keep You Fit

The 17 Best Disc Golf Stretches to Improve Your Game

101 Disc Golf Tips to Take Your Game to the Next Level

Mastering Disc Golf in the Wind: A Beginner’s Guide

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Don’t forget to check out the book!

Before you go, don’t forget to check out the best beginner disc golf book on the planet, “The Disc Golf Player’s Manual.” This ebook is packed with over 200+ pages of the best tips, tricks, and advice for new players. Im telling you, this book is epic. If you want to seriously improve in disc golf, you need this book. So don’t miss out!


I am an avid disc golfer and lover of the sport. My mission with is to reach as many people as possible to help them love disc golf, too!

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