The Complete Glossary of Disc Golf Terminology (200+ terms!)

Understanding the terminology of disc golf is super important. In this post, you will see over 200 of the most commonly used words and phrases on the course.


Ace – Also known as a hole in one in ball golf. You can get an ace by throwing the disc into the basket on the first drive (first throw) of any hole. Disc golf takes aces to another level by getting players and the rest of the party to sign the ace disc. Aces are easier to get in disc golf than in ball golf, with some players boasting a tremendous number of career aces.

Air Bounce – Physics term. A disc golf throw in which the disc is thrown so that it suddenly “bounces” or “rises” into the air early on in its flight. This term also refers to sudden lift that a disc receives due to wind.

Albatross – A disc golf term for completing a hole three under par, also known as a double eagle. This is extremely rare. You can score an Albatross by throwing an Ace on a par 4 hole (Reference: see Double Eagle).

All Star (Par) – [slang term] A scoring term that is used while recording strokes on a card, when everyone makes Par for the scored hole (example: “ayyy, we all got a 4 on this hole! That’s an All Star Par!”).

Anhyzer – An anhyzer throw where the top of the disc is angled towards the thrower and the disc’s angle of flight turns to the right for a rhbh thrower. See our post, “What’s the Difference Between a Hyzer and an Anhyzer?” for more information. Also, Anny [Slang term] – “That was a beautiful Anny,” meaning a beautiful Anhyzer throw.

Approach – An approach shot is a shot within a reasonable distance from the hole that has a chance of either going in or hitting the basket. An approach shot is simply when you approach the basket.

Approach Disc – Approach discs are used to make longer putts and “approach shots.” Multi-purpose discs, mid-range discs, putters, and putt-and-approach discs are normally used for your approach to the basket.

Approximate Lie – A lie (or agreed upon location established by a players group) for a player to resume play in the event that the disc is lost, moved, out of bounds, or play was delayed (such as hazardous weather conditions). See our post, “What if My Disc Golf Disc Goes Out of Bounds?” for more information on where to play your disc if it goes out of bounds.

Away Player – The player whose disc (or lie) is farthest from the basket. The away player, or the person with the disc farthest from the basket, always throws next.


Backhand grip – A grip with the thumb on the flight plate and the fingers curled under the disc with one or more finger pads pressed against the rim. Palm is in the handshaking position.

Backhand throw – [On the frontside position of the thrower] Where the throwing arm reaches backward towards the opposite side of the body (from the disc/throwing hand) and swings outward/away from the body while releasing the disc from the throwers grip, near the end of the arm swing motion, to complete the movement. (mimics a horizontal motion of pull-starting a lawn mower).

Bag tag – A club tag, made of metal or plastic, that has a number and the club’s name. Members of the club will play rounds where the winner wins the bag tag. This encourages some competition and bragging rights.

Bagger (short for Sandbagger) – A disc golfer who enters into a division below his skill level in order to have a better chance of winning. This person is actually good, but wants to show off among players who are far less skilled than he or she is.

Basket – Born of the original pole hole, the game of disc golf advanced rapidly with the invention of “Steady” Ed’s Disc Pole Hole or “Basket” as it is commonly referred to by disc golfers. Once a disc comes to rest in the basket, the hole is considered complete (Reference: see Pole hole). Check out our post, “11 Reasons Why You Need a Disc Golf Basket,” here on the site.

Bead – The bead of the disc is found on the underside of the rim. It is essentially an extra-rounded ring added to the bottom of the disc. A bigger or more pronounced bead will be easily noticeable compared to a beadless disc.

Birdie – Completing a hole one stroke under par (also known as “one down” or “one below par”).

Black Ace – [slang term] An “Ace” that occurs when a player makes their first shot, or drive, into the basket of the wrong target, and not the one intended, according to the hole they are currently playing.

Blow Through – Where a putt hits the chain assembly and proceeds to slip through all the chains and out the other side of the target and onto the ground (References: see Cut Through).

BOB – Acronym for “Back of the Box” (or Bottom of the Board), refers to the person who throws last.

Bogey – Term for holing out (finishing the hole) 1 stroke above the par. (i.e. “1 Up”)

Bottom Stamp – A bottom stamped disc is disc golf disc that has no markings on the top. Instead it has a “hot” (printing style) stamp on the underside of the disc.

Bounce Back – When a putt hits the chains solidly on target and the putt bounces out of the target instead of staying in the chains or dropping into the basket (References: see Spit Out or Kick Out).

Brick – A disc that does not glide well and quickly falls to the ground.

Bullet Putt – A putt which uses speed to make the disc go straight. If this putt misses the basket it can cause a long “come back” putt. This type of putt is prone to blow-throughs and spit backs (References: see Jam Putt).


Cali (short for California) – A term used in doubles rounds. If there is one player without a partner, he plays as a Cali player and gets an extra throw on each hole. The extra throw may be used on the drive, approach, or putt.

Card – (Short for scorecard) In tournaments, events, or casual rounds, players play in groups called “cards.” Your “card” will contain all players scores on a single scorecard to be turned in at the completion of the round.

Casual [round] – Term used that references a non-competitive disc golf round or event.

Casual [casual relief] – standing water or puddles on a course that is not considered a water hazard and will not penalize the player a stroke should their disc come to rest in the casual water.

Chain Support – The structure from which the chains are suspended; a deflector support which often forms the top of a basket target.

Chained Out – [slang term] A term used during conversation, referencing the completion of a hole. (example: “I chained out on 10 with a bogey” or “…as soon as he chains out, we’ll get his score”)

Chains – A reference to the physical links and connectors on a basket or target. A deflection assembly which is designed to direct a thrown disc down into the tray component of a basket target.

Chains – [slang term] A reference to a missed opportunity to hole out with an effective throw. It occurs when a disc strikes the “chains” of the basket. (example: “I had a great Ace run, but I only hit the chains and it did not go in”)

Chastity belt – The metal band around the top of some brands of baskets.

Circle – This is what helps defines a true disc golf “putt.” It is a measured 10 Meter circle (marked/unmarked) around the disc golf basket. If a player is throwing his/her disc at the basket within a 10 Meter (30 Ft) circle of the basket, they must follow an additional set of putting rules defined b7y the PDGA. Basically if you’re in the circle, your disc has to come to rest in the basket before any part of your body touches past the mini marker towards the basket. Failure to do so can lead to a “falling putt” penalty stroke. (Reference: see [The] Green)

Collar – A reference to the physical construction on the top portion of the basket or target. Some manufacturers use a collar at the top of their equipment so it may be easily seen, aide in the visual reference of the basket on a course, or provide structural/aesthetic support to the basket/target.

Come Back Putt [phrase/approach-throw] – This is when an approach or missed putt has gone beyond the basket and the player has to make long putt or second putt to complete the hole. (References: Go For Putt or Run Putt)

CTB – [slang term] Acronym for “Closest To Box.” It is a humorous term that is used by players after a possible poor performing throw from the Tee Box (versus a good throw that makes a “CTP”). It is a play on the words “CTP.”

CTP – Acronym for “Closest To Pin.” It is a contest for accuracy during a disc golf round on a designated hole. Commonly, it is a challenge that is performed from the Tee on the first throw to the designated basket/target. Measurements are then performed, recording the distance from where the disc landed to the base of the “pin” (pole) of the basket. At the end of the round, the winner is declared by the person who landed “Closest To the Pin” and prizes could be awarded for this contest.

Cut roller – When a player attempts to throw a roller, but once on the ground the disc doesn’t get vertical enough and rolls to the left (with a RHBH throw). Could also refer to a thrown disc that hits at an angle and rolls.

Cut Through – Where a putt hits the chain assembly and proceeds to slip through all the chains and out the other side of the target and onto the ground. (References: Blow Through)


Death putt – When a player is putting toward a basket that has a hazard, OB, or obstacle behind it.

Death Roll – During a tournament or round putts seemingly take on different characteristics. Discs will tend to spit back, blow through or hit part of the target and roll much farther away than the original lie. Hence, killing your score.

DFL – [slang term] Acronym for “Dead Freakin’ Last” This is a term used by players that may refer to themselves or others and where they placed as a finish on: the card, the round, the event, or a series. (depending on the person or conversation you can easily determine that the “F” may be substituted for a more colorful curse word for emphasis… that’s how I first learned it by listening to players)

Dirty Ace – [slang term] An “Ace” or shot that occurs when a player makes their first shot, or subsequent shot, into an unexpected object (i.e. trash can, storm drain, etc.) and not where they initially intended.

Disc – a circular object made of plastic or rubber used in flying disc sports. Discs come in different shapes and sizes and are made for a variety of purposes and flight paths. Discs are used for games such as disc golf, ultimate, guts, and freestyle.

Disc Entrapment Device – a target used to complete a hole, usually consisting of an upper entrapping section of chains, cables, tubes, etc. and a lower entrapping section of a basket or tray.

Disc Karma – action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation when it is related to the actions of a disc golfer and/or a disc they locate or have possession of. For a good article on this, check out our post, “Should I Return a Lost Disc Golf Disc?”

Disc Pole Hole [or Basket] – The target for catching the disc. (References: Basket and Pole Hole)

Distance Driver – Golf discs with the thickest rims that have the most potential to go far. For more information, check out our post, “What Are the Different Types of Disc Golf Discs?”

DNF – Acronym for “Did Not Finish.” This is a term used in scoring or results indicating that a round was not completed (or the series) where the results total would indicate a finishing place amongst other players.

Doink – The horrible sound a disc makes when it crashes into the side of the basket (or basket collar) before falling to the ground.

Double Bogey – Term for holing out (finishing the hole) 2 strokes above the par. (i.e. “2 Up”).

Drive – A throw off the teepad or a throw intended for maximum distance.

Driver – A long-distance flight disc that is often difficult to throw and control and is not intended for beginners. See our post, “What Are the Different Types of Disc Golf Discs?” for more information.

Drop-In – [slang term] A descriptive term used in disc golf that conveys a very easy putt which required very little effort; normally when the distance is within arms reach or close distance to the basket. (example: “On my second shot, I parked my disc under the basket for a drop-in putt”)

Drop Zone – An area on the course, from which play is resumed as an alternative to or in replacement of play from the lie. The throwing area from within a drop zone is marked and played in a manner similar to the marking and playing of a teeing area. A teeing area may be used as a drop zone. A drop zone is a lie

DROT – (Disc Resting On Top) This is where a disc comes to rest on top of the basket. This does not count as “holing out” and the player must mark the lie and take another shot to complete the hole. See our post, “What if My Disc Golf Disc Lands on Top of the Basket?” for more information on this.

Duece – Scoring term that indicates the number of shots, two, it took to complete a hole


Eagle – Term for holing out (finishing the hole) 2 strokes under the par. [Reference: Double Birdie]

Escape Shot – A shot used to get out of a poor lie or tough situation. Usually these shots are verticals or rollers because it is extremely difficult to throw a normal backhand or sidearm shot.


Fade – During the slower portion of the flight, a disc will naturally turn left (for a person throwing RHBH)(Reference: Finish).

Fairway – The playing surface of a designated hole between the tee area and the green. Fairways can be very wide and open or tight and narrow depending on the course design. It can also be the path defined by the player or course where normal play is expected (versus the “rough”) [further away from the basket can be defined as the “Fairway”, closer to basket can be the “Green”]

Fairway ace (Field ace) – Throwing the disc into the basket from a long ways away, but not from the tee pad.

Fairway Driver – A Fairway Driver disc is a driver disc designed for flight speeds faster than a mid-range and yet slower (and more stable) than a normal “high speed” driver. For more info, check out our post, “What Are the Different Types of Disc Golf Discs?”

Fairway Shot – A drive or very long approach shot from the fairway designed to advance closer to the target or land next to the target from a distance.

Falling Putt – A follow through after a putt, within 10 meters of the target, where the player advances forward of the rear edge of the marker disc. If the player doesn’t demonstrate full control of balance before advancing toward the hole it will result in a stance violation. Players receive a warning for the first violation and all subsequent violations in the same round will incur a one stroke penalty, plus the player must re-throw from the lie.

Fan grip – A type of backhand grip where the fingers are spread out on the bottom of the flight plate. It is used to gain more control of the flight of the disc.

Finesse (Touch) Shot – These are floating shots used for accuracy in tricky situations. (Same as Touch)

Finish – Also known as the fade, as a disc is “finishing” its flight and losing velocity, it will naturally turn left for RHBH throwers. (Reference: Fade)

Flex Shot [shot type] – is preformed by throwing and overstable disc with an anhyzer angle of release down the left side of the fairway (for RHBH thrower). The disc travels from left to right then the natural overstability of the disc and gravity turn the disc back to the left. (References: “S-shot” and Helix)

Flick – [slang term] A sidearm or forehand shot. (Reference: Sidearm, Forehand, and Two-Finger Grips)

Flight Plate – reference to the flat/semi-flat center surface section of the disc area (top or bottom). Commonly where graphics, images, or other information is printed or displayed.

Flight rating – How the disc is designed to fly. The most common measurement is the four-number flight system representing the disc’s speed, glide, high-speed stability (turn), and low-speed stability (fade). For more information, check out our post, “What Do the Numbers on a Disc Golf Disc Mean?”

Flippy (flip) – A term for a very understable disc. One that has a tendency to turn to the right when thrown with a flat RHBH throw.

Floater [shot type] – A putting style where the putter is thrown with the nose up or at an increased altitude to float into the chains. (Reference: Flick)

Foot fault – A violation of PDGA rules that stipulate where a foot may be placed when throwing or putting.

Forehand [grip/throw type] – A grip where the palm is up and the thumb is on the flight plate while the index and middle fingers are underneath the disc with one or both fingers pressed against the inside rim. (Reference: Sidearm, Flick, and Two-Finger Grips)

Frisbee – flying disc made by Wham-O toy company. Although the Frisbee is a specific product, the term is commonly used to refer to many different flying discs.

Frisbee Golf – original foundation and formation of disc golf using flying discs and targets (usually baskets or objects). Players finish hole by hitting the designated/marked object in a specific zone or by landing their disc into the basket.

Frolf – [slang] for Frisbee Golf, though its commonality is not as frequent as many years ago when Disc Golf as a sport was founded and its popularity increased. This term is heard more and referenced when highlighting Disc Golf’s forefather sport: Frisbee Golf.


Gimme – A putt from a distance almost guarantee that the disc will land in the basket.

Glide – The second number of the common four-number flight rating of a disc. Refers to a disc’s ability to maintain loft during flight. For more information, check out our post, “What Do the Numbers on a Disc Golf Disc Mean?”

[The] Green – Putting area, typically a “circle” around the target with a 10m radius. It can be marked or unmarked, but the rules apply the same to designate it as a putting area. (Reference: [The] Circle)

Go For Putt [phrase/approach-throw] – (i.e. “Go For It”) When a player purposefully tries to get an approach shot or long putt into the basket. This shot must be high enough and travel far enough to actually make it to the basket. Missing this shot often requires a “Come Back Putt.” (References: Come Back Putt or Run Putt)

Go For Shot – An aggressive throw usually from the fairway to land in the basket rather than next to it.

Grenade – Backhand shot very similar to a “Spike-Hyzer”, except with the disc placed upside down in the hand. The flight path goes straight up and back down with very little lateral movement.

Grip – The technique a player uses to hold the disc (Backhand, forehand, thumber, tomahawk, etc).

Grip and rip – A term used to indicate that players should start throwing.

Grip Lock – Expression used when a player releases far too late and makes an errant shot. (hence, they held on too long with “grip lock”)

Guardian – A tree, bush, or other obstacle that makes it difficult to reach the basket.

Gypsy Golf – [slang term] This is when players create their a new route through an established course. For example: instead of playing the holes in order, players may choose to use the tee from hole one to throw towards hole 6. (Reference: Safari Golf)


Head banger – When a disc lands so close to the basket that the thrower might hit their head on the basket while picking up the disc.

Headwind – Wind that is blowing directly at you. This will make your disc more understable. For RHBH, your disc is more likely to turn right when throwing into a headwind. Check out, “Mastering Disc Golf in the Wind: A Beginner’s Guide.”

Helix [shot type] – is preformed by throwing and overstable disc with an anhyzer angle of release down the left side of the fairway (for RHBH thrower). The disc travels from left to right then the natural overstability of the disc and gravity turn the disc back to the left. (References: “S-shot” and Flex Shot)

Herd Golf – [slang term] This is common term sometimes spoken on a course when a player locates that they are playing behind a large group of players that are usually 5 (or more) in size. It also may be heard when they are evaluating to “play through” (or around the large group) by skipping the hole the large group is on or not playing at all. As a note, in most situations it is more courteous to keep playing groups at a size of 5 players or less so that playing pace by everyone on the overall course is not greatly impacted. Herding groups tend to take longer due to talking, very casual pace, discs in play, and other factors. (example: “our round would have gone faster, but they had some others playing herd golf which slowed us down”) Note: sometimes it would be acceptable for a large group to play if all players were each throwing a single disc or other factor that does not impeded the flow of play on a course.

High Speed Turn – High speed turn is a flight characteristic of a disc to turn to the right (for RHBH thrower) during the fastest part of its flight (the early flight.) The degree to which a disc resists high speed turn determines the disc’s stability. Discs that have a lot of high speed turn are understable. Discs that have a moderate amount of high speed turn are stable, and discs that resist turning right even at high speeds are overstable.

Hole – The target in disc golf, usually objects or baskets. The term “hole” encompasses the entire play area: tee, fairway, green, and target. For instance, Hole #1 can refer to the entire fairway and path traveled on the first play area or can refer specifically to basket #1 on the first green.

Holing Out – This is a successful putt/shot that comes to rest suspended in the chains or comes to rest in the basket tray. In can also be where it successfully strikes the designated target object between the markers when playing Frisbee Golf.

Honors – Earning the right to throw first by getting the best score on the previous hole.

Hook Thumb [grip] – A grip in which the thumb pad is hooked on the inside of the rim and the rim is squeezed between the thumb pad and the crook of the index finger. The index knuckle is on the top of the outside rim. Hand position resembles using a disposable lighter.

Hyzer – A hyzer throw where the top of the disc is angled away from the thrower and the disc’s angle of flight turns to the left for a rhbh thrower. See our post, “What’s the Difference Between a Hyzer and an Anhyzer?” for more information.

Hyzer flip [shot type] – is very similar to an S-shot/Flex but follows a straighter line. An understable disc is thrown very fast with a hyzer angle of release. The disc will naturally turn or “flip” and bring its nose down in the process. This allows for a long straight glide.

Hyzer Putt [shot type] – A backhand putt (RHBH) that travels from right to left towards the target. Can also refer to the angle of the release where the putter is tilted with the right side of the disc raised at an angle above the left side.


Inbounds – Any area of the course that is not out-of-bounds.

Infinite Discs – The best place on the planet to buy discs. The best prices, best discs.

Island – An area considered inbounds but surrounded by areas that are out of bounds.


Jam Putt [throw type] – A putt which uses speed to make the disc go straight. If this putt misses the basket it can cause a long “come back” putt. This type of putt is prone to “blow-throughs” and “spit backs.” (References: Bullet Putt)

Jump Putt – A putt where the player pushes off the ground with the lead foot at the time of release. Generally performed when a player is more than 10 meters from the basket so they can move forward of the marker disc after release and not be penalized for making a “falling putt”.


Kick – The change of direction a disc has when it hits a tree or other object. “Kicks” may be favorable or unfavorable.

Kick Out – When a putt hits the chains solidly on target and the putt bounces out of the target instead of staying in the chains or dropping into the basket. (References: Bounce Back or Spit Out)

Kneeling Putt – A putting stance/position where one or both knees are required to be on the ground where the throw must be made from a kneeling position. Any point of contact is legal as long as it follows previously stated rules. (example: in line with the marker disc, no closer to the hole and within the acceptable distance behind the marker).


Lay Up [phrase/approach-throw] – When a player chooses to purposely not go in the target but instead right under or next to the target in an effort not to jeopardize going too far and having to make a “come back” putt. This shot generally ensures the next shot will go in with little effort.

LHBH – throwing form/flight description based on a player throwing left-handed with a backhand style.

LHFH – throwing form/flight description based on a player throwing left-handed with a forehand style.

Lid – This term is used to describe Frisbees or discs with thin rims that float and fly more like traditional freestyle discs. Discs like the Discraft Rattler, Innova Birdie, Polecat, and Sonic are prime examples of “lids”.

Lie – The area on the course where a disc comes to rest and where the next disc will be thrown from. This spot will be marked by another disc or a mini marker disc.

Line – A flight path intended by the thrower.

Line Of Play – a direct line from your lie to the target. This determines legal stances and legal throws for the player.

Low Speed Fade – For RHBH, the natural characteristic of the spin to turn left as the disc slows down. This fade will happen at the end of the flight as the disc is losing speed. Different discs will fade more or less depending on design, throwing style, power, wind, and other variables.


Mandatory – A directional obstacle in disc golf. Usually a sign will indicate how to obey the mandatory. Mandatories can be placed on a hole for extra challenge or commonly for safety of nearby players or park users. Example: Disc flight paths must go to the right of the mandatory tree. (Reference: Mando) Also, mando [slang term]: “you see that tree? That’s a mando.”

Marker (Disc) – The mini marker disc or the thrown disc at rest, either of which may be used to indicate the lie from which the next throw is to be made.

Meathook – A disc that is VERY overstable is commonly referred to as a meathook. Meathook discs will hyzer out very quickly after release.

Metal – [slang term] A reference to a missed opportunity to hole out with an effective throw. It occurs when a disc strikes the “metal” tray, top, pole, or chains. (example: “I had the birdie, but I hit metal and bounced out”).

Mid-range – A medium range disc intended more for accuracy and control on drives and/or approach shots. See our post, “What Are the Different Types of Disc Golf Discs?” for more information.

Mini marker disc – A small disc used to mark a player’s lie on the course. Also, mini (slang term): “hey, can you grab my mini for me when you walk this way?”


Nose – front part of the disc that is pointed toward the target.

Nose Down – disc position where the nose of the disc is below parallel to the ground. A throw with the nose down will lose altitude and will fall down quicker than a flat throw. This will typically result in a less than maximum distance throw.

Nose Up – disc position where the nose of the disc is above parallel to the ground. A throw with the nose up will gain altitude and will slow down quicker than a flat throw. This will typically result in a less than maximum distance throw.


Obstacle – objects in a course that provide challenges to playing the holes. Some of the most common obstacles are trees, bushes, fences, signs, rocks, buildings, and mandatories.

Official – A person who is authorized to make judgments regarding the proper application of the rules during play.

Out Of Bounds – (aka O.B.) An area designated, by course rules, from which a disc may not be played, and within which a stance may not be taken. The out-of-bounds line extends a plane vertically upward and downward. The out-of-bounds line is part of the out-of-bounds area. For more information, check out our post, “What if My Disc Golf Disc Goes Out of Bounds?”

Overhead [grip/throw type] – (aka Overhand) A shot thrown vertically or with an overhead baseball throwing motion. A vertical/overhead shot resembling the chop of a tomahawk. So discs are usually held with a two finger grip or hook thumb grips. (See Tomahawk Shot)

Overstable – (disc model/flight reference) when released flat, a disc has a tendency to fly left. When thrown RHBH, the flight characteristic of a disc that is an exaggeration of the discs natural spin. The disc naturally wants to fly straight at high speeds and wants to fade left during the end of the flight as it slows down. More specifically the overstable quality is most easily observed by the degree to which a disc resists “high speed turn.” Even at high speeds, an overstable disc won’t turnover to the right. But even in a headwind, an overstable disc will hold its line and want to fade left at the end of the flight. Overstable discs are designed to be thrown at high speeds.


Pancake – A specialty shot that flips the disc upside down and the disc floats towards the ground. Can be used to “drop in” a landing area or to create a skip shot.

Pancake Putt – a putt used in the event a miss will create a bad disc placement (i.e. over a ledge, into water, etc.). The disc is held top plate facing away from the thrower with fingertips placed on the top plate over the rim and thumb resting outstretched on the bottom of the disc rim. The putter raises his full arm above his shoulder then quickly swings in a downward motion. His arm follows through the putt; the disc is released by all fingers slightly higher than the intended target. The fingertips will press into the top plate causing the disc to flip bottom to top and halt upon impact. A heavy putter or mid-range disc is suggested

Par – Similar to the sport of ball golf, each hole on the course has a listed par. This is how many throws the player has to make the disc into the basket and complete the hole. The course itself has a listed par, meaning the total amount of strokes it should take the disc golfer to complete all of the holes.

Parked – [slang term] This is a descriptive term used by players to indicate that a great shot or desired placement was achieved. Like properly “parking” a car. (example: “man, did you see that drive? He parked it!”

PDGAThe Professional Disc Golf Association. This is the governing body for disc golf that establishes rules and technical standards for tournament play.

Penalty stroke – An extra stroke a player received by going OB, missing a mando, or violating a rule.

Peninsula – An inbounds area similar to an island, only not completely surrounded by OB.

Pizza putt (see Turbo putt) – A style of putting where the putt is made high in the air above the head.

Pole hole or basket – The target for catching the disc. Pole Hole is short for Disc Pole Hole. (Reference: see Basket)

Power grip – A backhand grip used for maximum distance. The fingers are close together and are held against the inside of the rim or the bottom of the flight plate.

Power Shot – A throw where high speed is employed to go over, around or through obstacles.

Push putt – A style of putting where little spin is put on the disc. Instead, the disc is pushed, or shoveled, toward the basket.

Putt – The short throw, near the basket, intended to complete the hole. You complete the hole by getting the disc into the basket or the chains. This throw is any throw within the 10-meter circle around the basket (reference: see10-meter circle)

Putter or putt-and-approach disc – Putters or Putt and Approach discs are designed for short-distance and stable flight. Usually used within the circle.



Rating – This typically refers to the PDGA rating. The PDGA rating is a number that reflects ones approximate skill level based on previous tournament play. Professional disc golfers typically have ratings above 970. Infinite Discs users can also earn ratings.

RHBH – Short for ‘right-handed backhand’. A type of throw where a person throws with their right hand with a backhand throw. Other throws are RHFH for ‘right-handed forehand’, and the equivalent throws for left-handed players, LHBH and LHFH. When discussing disc flight it is important to make this distinction.

RHFH – Right Hand Forehand Throw – Reverse the RHBH flight path.

Rim – The outer portion of the disc. The width of the rim primarily determines the speed of the disc. Generally speaking, the wider the rim, the higher the speed number.

Rim Depth – The height of a rim, or how deep a rim is. The distance between the flight plate and the bottom of the disc measured from the inside of the distance.

Rim Width – How wide the rim of a disc is, also known as “wing.”

Ring of Fire – A putting game commonly held in conjunction with a tournament where participants get in a circle around a basket, then all putt simultaneously. Those who make it retrieve their disc and continue putting until there is one winner. There is not usually flames involved in a disc golf ring of fire.

Road and beyond – A term used to indicate an out of bounds area. If a disc lands on or past the road, it is considered OB.

Roller – A rolling disc advance (e.g., the disc rolls along the ground to further it’s distance to the basket, which is allowed).


Safari hole – A hole that doesn’t use the normal tee pad and line. Players will invent new hole designs to get a different look at an old layout.

Scooby shot (also Grenade) – A shot where the disc is held upside down. Can be used to get over a tall obstacle, or to slide the disc along the ground.

S-curve – A disc flight that resembles the letter ‘s’. The disc turns to the right before fading back to the left. It is achieved by throwing an understable disc with a flat release.

Sidearm – (see Forehand) A throwing technique with the palm down and thumb on top similar to a baseball sidearm throw.

Speed – The first number of the common four-number flight rating of a disc. The relative speed a disc must be thrown to achieve its intended flight. Check out,“What Do the Numbers on a Disc Golf Disc Mean?” For more information.

Spike hyzer – A type of throw where a disc leaves the players hand at a steep hyzer angle so the disc will fly high, then come back down at a steep angle.

Spin putt – A putting technique that relies on wrist snap to add a lot of spin to the disc.

Spit out – A missed putt that hits a lot of chains, but doesn’t stay in the basket.

S-Shot – An S-Shot is thrown using an understable disc to the left side of the fairway. The turn of the disc causes it to turn over and fly to the right side of the fairway. And as the disc slows down, it fades back to the left.

Stability – The disc’s tendency to turn over to the right, fly straight, or fade to the left, during flight. (For rhbh throws) Stable: discs will usually fly straight when released flat. Understable: discs will turn over to the right when released flat. Overstable: discs will usually fade to the left at the end of flight when released flat.

Stable – The tendency of a disc to remain straight through most of the flight. Often times a desirable characteristic of a disc in windy situations

Stamp – The image that is put on a disc at the factory.

Star frame – When everyone on the card gets the same score.

Step putt – A putting technique similar to a jump putt, but stepping toward the basket while throwing. It gives that player a little more power on the putt, but with more control than a jump putt. Cannot be used inside the 10 meter circle.

Straddle putt – A putting technique where a player faces the basket with their legs spread apart. Commonly used when a disc lands behind an obstacle.

Strong side (of basket) – Refers to the side of the chains where the spin of the disc will aid in making the disc fall into the basket. For RHBH throws/putts, the right side is the strong side.

Sweet spot (of basket) – The point of the basket where the disc has the highest likelihood of staying in the basket when hit.


TD – Tournament director. The person in charge of a tournament and who makes the final ruling on disputes. Saints!

Teepad – The initial location or designated throwing area, sometimes marked with concrete or rubber, in which the first throw of each hole takes place.

The Circle – The circle around a basket helps to define what a “putt” actually is in disc golf. This circle is measured at 10 meters or about 30 feet around the basket. During tournaments, this is usually marked as such. But once players are in this circle, players must comply with all PDGA putting rules and not step past the marker disc when they putt. So if you step past or fall past this marker, a “falling putt” penalty will be assessed.

Throw – The act of advancing the disc towards the basket. This can be accomplished by many different throwing styles; Backhand, Forehand, Rollers. Each throw is counted towards the player’s score.

Thumber grip – A type of grip and overhead throw where the thumb is placed on the inside of the rim. The disc will rotate clockwise during flight and fade to the right.

Touch/Finesse Shot – A floating shot used for accuracy in tricky situations.

Tournament Roll – An unusually long roll away after a throw or putt. This poor luck seems to happen more often in tournaments than casual play.

Tomahawk – an overhand throw at a vertical angle, similar to the chopping motion of someone throwing a Tomahawk.

Tree love – A term used when a disc hits part of a tree, then travels in a favorable direction.

Tree-jected (or, tree-nied) – A term used when a disc hits a tree and stops or travels in an unfavorable direction.

Trilogy – A term used for discs manufactured in Sweden by Latitude 64, Dynamic Discs, and Westside Discs.

Turbo putt – Also called a pizza putt. The player holds the disc flat, about head height, with their thumb underneath the disc and fingers around the edge of the rim. The disc is thrown toward the basket with a spinning motion.

Turn (See ‘high-speed stability’) – The third number of the common four-number flight rating of a disc. Refers to how far the disc drifts to the right (RHBH throw) during the first part of its flight. But you can also check out,“What Do the Numbers on a Disc Golf Disc Mean?” For more information.

Turnover shot – Intentionally throwing the disc so it turns in a direction opposite the natural spin tendency. This is most easily achieved with an understable disc and will result in a turning to the right (RHBH).

Two on one – The practice of taking two throws on the first hole during casual rounds and playing from the better. Also referred to as two for one.

Two-meter rule – A rule stating that if a disc lands in a tree or other object and is two or more meters above the playing surface, a penalty stroke is received. It is an optional rule, rarely used, that is at the discretion of the tournament director.


Understable – (disc/flight reference) when released flat, a disc has a tendency to fly right. (When thrown the right arm and backhanded)

Unsafe Lie – A lie that is deemed unsafe for any reason (lack of footing, on a cliff, in a cactus, in a busy street, etc). Mark the lie at the closest reasonable safe life that does not advance to position towards the target.

Upshot (approach) – The shot that will get close enough to the basket to putt



Warning – Where prescribed by a rule, the initial advisement a player is given for violating that rule, making the player susceptible to receiving a penalty throw for subsequent violations of that rule within the same round.

Weak side (of basket) – Opposite of ‘strong side’. The side of the chains that cause the spin of the disc to reduce the chances of staying in the basket. The left side of the chains for RHBH players.

Wedge – A putt or shot that comes to rest, wedged, into the side of the basket as a result of the discs flight energy to which it forced it into the cage/metal assembly of the basket.

WFDF – World Flying Disc Federation is a worldwide organization providing rules, record keeping as well as continuity to the nine major flying disc events.

Wing – When gripping the disc, the side of the disc opposite the player’s hand. The position of the wing-up, down, or level-determines the release of the disc to be hyzer or anhyzer. Additionally, this can be an engineering description for the circumference edge of a disc (thickness, height, depth, angle, and width)

Worm Burner – [slang term] A throw that is released lower than intended and ends up flying into the ground well before the intended location.

Wus – A weak putt that has no chance to go in the basket, not to be confused with a lay up.


X Step – The footwork progression of a run-up before the release of the throw. (References: Scissor Step)




10-meter circle – The circle around a basket that indicates how a player may putt. Inside the circle, a player must show balance after releasing the disc and cannot fall forward.

150 Class – A class of discs weighing 150 grams or less. 150 class discs are the only class of discs approved for play in Japan.

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I am an avid disc golfer and lover of the sport. My mission with is to reach as many people as possible to help them love disc golf, too!

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