Disc golf is an awesome sport. And one of the reasons why I love it is because of how cheap it is to play, discs especially. In this post, we’ll look at a couple different things. The first is exactly how much disc golf discs cost, then about how the different plastics affect disc cost, and finally, three great beginner disc options to choose from amongst putters, mid-range discs, and drivers. But the most important item on the agenda is disc cost. So let’s look at that first.
How much does a disc golf disc cost?
The average cost of a disc golf disc is around $13 to $15 dollars. But disc golf discs can cost between $8 dollars and $20 dollars or more depending on quality of plastic, manufacturer, rarity, dye, type of disc, and whether the model is still being made.
Obviously, there are a ton of factors that can influence how much a disc will cost you. But the biggest factor in how much a disc golf disc costs is based on the type of plastic that is used on the disc.
One brand – 3 plastics
In the picture above, you’ll see 3 different Innova discs each with a different quality of plastic. All 3 have been thrown just about equally and all three have a different amount of damage from trees, rocks, and just general scuffing over time.
The Wombat (purple disc) in the pic above is barely damaged. It’s made out of G-star plastic, which is the most durable plastic made by Innova. This also makes these discs cost more…normally around 16.99 per disc.
The Pro Katana (green disc) in the pic above is made out of plastic that is just a bit less durable than the Gstar discs. It will scuff a bit more but will still be a great disc for years of play. These discs usually cost around $13.99.
The DX Valkyrie (blue disc) in the pic above is very dinged up, as you can clearly see. This plastic is basically the cheapest and least durable plastic made by Innova. Thus, more wear and tear. The DX discs usually cost around $9.99.
The plastic determines the price.
So, plastic matters when you’re looking at discs. If you want to go cheap, you can. But if you want discs that will last you a long time, spend a couple extra bucks for the upgraded plastic. Cheap, low-quality plastic will last you a bit, but isn’t a good long-term or competitive option. As the plastic quality increases, the price of the disc increases. So the best plastic will cost you the most money.
For a good plastic guide on Innova disc golf discs, check out this resource here.
The 3 best putters
I put putters first because, as a new player, I believe that you should start playing with putters only. I won’t waste any more of your time. Here are my top 3 best putters for new players.
1. Innova Aviar
Flight ratings: 2, 3, 0, 1
The Aviar is one of the most popular putters in the world today. This is definitely a disc that you should check out as a beginner. It is easy to throw, very forgiving, and controllable – everything a beginner player needs in a disc. Pick one up here on Discgolfunited.com.
2. Dynamic Discs Judge
Flight ratings: 2, 4, 0, 1
The Judge is just an all-around spectacular disc that I’ve been throwing almost as long as I’ve been playing. If I only recommended one putter in this post, the Judge would be it. Please, please, please grab this for your bag. You can get it cheap on InfiniteDiscs.com.
3. Westside Discs Harp
Flight ratings: 4, 3, 0, 3
The Harp is a really awesome putt and approach disc. I’ve been using this disc almost as much as the Dynamic Discs Judge. This disc is my backup putter, but more often than not, I use it for driving and full rounds because of its ability to really fly good distances. The feel is similar to a mid-range disc like the Dynamic Discs Truth in the section below. Beginners can use this to optimize all parts of their game and improve tremendously. Grab yours here on InfiniteDiscs.com.
The 3 best mid-range discs
As a new player, you’ll start to see that mid-range discs are pretty awesome. Most of them fly super straight and are very forgiving. Let me show you my top 3 best mid-range discs for beginners.
1. Innova Wombat
Flight ratings: 5, 6, -1, 1
The Wombat is by far my favorite disc golf disc. I’ve had one since I started playing. This disc is brilliant for helping beginners improve on the course. Grab yours here on InfiniteDiscs.com.
2. Discraft Buzzz
Flight ratings: 5, 4, -1, 1
I absolutely love the Buzzz. It is one of the most popular mid-range discs sold today and is an essential piece of the puzzle as a beginner. It has grown on me a lot. If I were to pick a disc that you should buy when you first start playing, it would be this one. Grab a Buzzz here on InfiniteDiscs.com.
3. Dynamic Discs Truth
Flight ratings: 5, 5, 0, 2
This disc is the truth…no, seriously, it is. If there was a disc on this list that you could single-handedly use to play rounds with, this would be it. Check it out here (link to InfiniteDiscs.com).
The 3 best drivers
I put drivers last because new players shouldn’t really start out with drivers (even control drivers are a little much for complete beginners). But as you start your #discgolfjourney, you will inevitably need some drivers. Now there are two types of drivers: distance and control drivers. Distance drivers are for intermediate to advanced players, so I would stay away from them completely for now if you’re new. Eventually, you will get to them.
Today, I’m gonna give you 3 great recommendations for solid control drivers. Control drivers are much easier to throw for beginner to intermediate players so check out these 3 discs.
1. Innova Leopard
Flight ratings: 6, 5, -2, 1
The Innova Leopard is the best, most basic and easy to throw starter disc that you can buy. I’m sure someone will argue this, but this is the first control driver that I would give to a new player (maybe besides the next disc on this list). The Leopard’s flight ratings are 6, 5, -2, 1, which make it technically one of the best discs for beginners. You can grab one here off of Discgolfunited.com.
2. Latitude 64 River
Flight ratings: 7, 7, -1, 1
I absolutely love the River. You don’t need a lot of arm speed to throw it, it glides forever, has good understability for new players, and doesn’t fade too much at the end of flight. Even though it’s second on this list, I still think the River is just about the perfect beginner driver. The River can be picked up for your bag here on InfiniteDiscs.com.
3. Dynamic Discs Maverick
Flight ratings: 7, 4, -1.5, 2
The Maverick is Dynamic Disc’s beginner-level driver. It has flight ratings of 7, 4, -1.5, 2, making it a perfect starter disc. You can add this to your collection by grabbing one off of InfiniteDiscs.com.
Help support the sport – the best places to buy discs
If you’re new to disc golf, let me plead with you for a second. Even though it seems like there’s a lot of disc golf companies out there, there’s really not. Why? Well, because it’s tough to run a disc golf business and there’s not a ton of money to be made. The profit margins are slim with disc golf equipment, so huge sports stores can often sell discs for the same prices or cheaper and this can run disc golf stores right out of business.
So, if you’re buying discs in the future, please try to buy from actual disc golf stores (both online and physical). This helps to grow the sport of disc golf and grow the #discgolfcommunity as a whole. There’s nothing wrong with buying discs from other sports stores, but if you can, try to buy from disc golf stores to help the community keep growing.
1. InfiniteDiscs.com: I am an affiliate for them, but they’ve been a fantastic resource for me as well. Their prices are very good and they give you a ton of information on each and every disc so that you can buy the right disc for your bag. You can check out InfiniteDiscs.com’s site here.
2. Discgolfunited.com: I’m an affiliate for Discgolfunited.com as well, which is the official online pro shop for Innova East. You can check them out here.You can check them out here.
3. Other online retailers: there are a ton of awesome online retailers like discstore.com, discgolfcenter.com, discgolf.com, and lots of other great online retailers. You can also buy discs directly from the manufacturers like Innova Discs, Dynamic Discs, and all of the other disc manufacturers.
3. Physical sports stores: you can get some discs from these places but I don’t normally get discs from here. My only exceptions include really unique dyed discs that I’ve never seen before or used discs at Play It Again Sports. If you can, support the sport.
4. Amazon.com: the same exception with Amazon as well. Normally I only buy my disc golf related accessories from Amazon like sunblock, penetrex cream, or snacks for the course. I’ve bought a couple of discs from Amazon but I have one issue with them: they don’t let you pick disc color. So you may get some obscure color that no one uses like dark blue (it happened and I sent it back). Other than that, they’re cheap.
But I’d rather spend two extra bucks for discs and help out a local disc golf store. You should do this as well. By supporting the #discgolfcommunity, you’re supporting yourself, supporting the education I can provide from this blog and continuing the growth of disc golf. Now look at that. You did good!
So what have we learned
Up to this point, hopefully you’ve gotten a good understanding of the true cost of a disc golf disc. We’ve given you what you needed to figure out how to buy them and where to buy them. So now it’s up to you to stock up your bag with your favorite discs and hit the course running.
If you’re curious about how much it actually costs to play disc golf, check out our post here, “How Much Does it (Actually) Cost to Play Disc Golf?” And if you have any questions, check out our FAQ section here or email me at dgndiscgolf@gmail.com ⬅️
Great job!
If you’ve gotten this far, you must really want to learn more about disc golf! If you’re interested in more of what we have to say about the sport, check out some of our best posts below.
50 Ways to Get More Birdies and Improve Your Disc Golf Game
The 50 Best Disc Golf Drills to Change Your Game Forever
The 27 Best Disc Golf Distance Tips for Beginners
The 15 All-Time Best Disc Golf Discs
All of these posts are our absolute best resources for practice, drills, and disc selection so check them out!
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Don’t forget
You can also grab a copy of our book, “The Disc Golf Player’s Manual,” here on the site. It’s packed full of extremely practical tips and tricks to help you immediately start improving on the course!