How to Build the Ultimate Disc Golf Bag Pt. 2: Discs

Now that you’ve got your disc golf bag packed from “How to Build the Ultimate Disc Golf Bag Part 1,” it’s time to fill it full of discs that can help you absolutely crush it on the disc golf course.

The game of disc golf requires mental toughness, skill, and a lot of practice, but it also takes well-built disc golf bag. One that is stocked with discs for every occasion, situation, shot type, scenario, and weather condition. The disc golfer that puts together a bag like that is one that will undoubtedly become a better player. So that’s why you’re here today. You want to build a badass bag. I’m going to show you what types of discs you need and things you need to know about building a bag correctly. So let’s get to it.

What discs do you need to build the ultimate disc golf bag?

* = try to substitute with a disc already in your bag or you can have another disc in your bag. Something good, something steady and consistent, or something you trust.


Understable putter

Stable putter

Overstable putter

Driving putter*

Putter that you trust*


Understable mid-range

Stable mid-range

Overstable mid-range

Mid-range that you trust*

Control driver

Understable driver

Stable driver

Overstable driver

Control driver that you trust*

Distance driver

Understable driver

Stable driver

Overstable driver

Distance driver that you trust*

Why is building a bag important? Here are 2 huge reasons

1. Having a disc for every situation

Building a good bag will save you on the course because you’ll have a disc for every situation. There are times when you’ll need something short with a big meathook. There are other times when you need a putter that can withstand the headwind. That’s why you build the bag – to have a disc for each and every possible situation that pops up.

We obviously use different types of discs that perform different roles (driver/mid-range/putter), but we also get different discs in the same type that range in stability for different shots. For example, I’ll have 3 different distance drivers (understable/stable/overstable) to help me with different scenarios and shots on the course.

But even though it may seem like we have a lot of discs, basically 12-14 depending on how you decide to build your bag, it’s really not as many as you think it is. I generally carry a few more than this for casual rounds as I’m sure many other people do, too. That 12-14 number, though, helps us to start minimizing your bag and cutting down on discs. That’s the key. You want to minimize the bag so that you can cut down on mental confusion during your rounds. You should have specific discs for specific roles, different shots, or different scenarios. Cutting down on this mental confusion can help you focus more on your game or strategy (and that means you will play better). Besides, having 18 or more discs in your bag is just unnecessary.

2. You want to be more competitive

The first tip in this section was to minimize the bag so that you have less mental confusion. That directly leads to this second tip – the minimization of discs will absolutely make you more competitive. You’re building your bag a certain way so that you have discs for every situation and so that you have less discs you need to master. You will be able to learn which discs need to be thrown when and you will slowly but surely get better.

Now if you still don’t think mastering your bag is necessary, I want you to think about something: the pros (you know, the best disc golfers in the world) have completely mastered their bags. And normally this is with just one disc golf company. Until you get to a super competitive sponsorship-type level, you can master whatever discs you want.

Below are a couple of quick videos from the pros on what’s in their bags. Almost all of them differ somewhat, but they’ve all got one thing in common: they have throughly mastered everything that they carry.

Philo Brathwaite – In my bag

Paul McBeth – 2019 Discraft bag

Avery Jenkins – Building the bag pt. 1

Avery Jenkins – Building the bag pt. 2

Danny Lindahl – Choosing discs with no overlap

Rule of 3

So there’s a general rule that I go by and it’s something that you can add into your bag building, but you don’t have to. That’s the Rule of 3. The Rule of 3 is based off of the stability of disc golf discs. We generally categorize discs into 3 types of stability: understable, stable, and overstable. I build my bag by following the Rule of 3, which is getting discs in each type of disc (putter/mid-range/driver) but in all 3 types of stability as well. So I’ll have an understable, stable, and overstable putter. Then I’ll get an understable, stable, and overstable mid-range. Keep doing this for all the types of discs.

Having discs with different kinds of stability allows you to perform multiple shots with multiple discs out on the course. You’ll notice again in the Philo Brathwaite video, that he uses the same disc mold for most of his discs in 1 particular type of disc. For example, with his putters, He will get an Innova Aviar for putting and then find that same mold in understable, stable, and overstable plastic.

You can either choose to do it that way or have different discs in each kind of stability. It’s completely up to you. We just suggest that you at least think about having 3 of each type of disc – 3 putters, 3 mid-range, 3 control drivers, and 3 distance drivers.

If you’re a beginner…

If you’re new to disc golf, I don’t recommend that you build a complete bag yet. What I will say is that you should find a couple discs that can be used to learn the game. Then, after you start getting into the more amateur to intermediate category of skill, you can build up your bag like a pro. Here are a couple quick recommendations for beginners.

Beginner Putter/Mid-range – Dynamic Discs Judge

A great straight-flying disc that can help you putt and learn the game. Grab one here on

Beginner mid-range – Discraft Buzzz

A really awesome, hugely popular disc that can help you shape your approach game like a boss. Grab one here on

Beginner control driver – Innova Leopard

The Leopard is by far one of the best control drivers to start out with. It’s easy-to-throw feel and consistent flight are really great for new players. Grab one here on

For some other awesome beginner discs to choose from, check out our post, “37 Best Disc Golf Discs for Beginners (You Need These).”

Once you learn, then you can jump up to a full bag to include the following:

The ultimate disc golf bag: disc selection

In this section, we’re going to show you how to build a great bag.


Understable putter – Prodigy PA-4

I like the PA-4 a lot. As a recently acquired disc, it’s really done well for me in my game. The PA-4 is an understable disc made for beginner players but I believe it can be a great addition for more advanced players as well. With flight ratings of 3, 3, -1, 1, this disc is great for tailwinds and long approaches and drives as it always maintains consistent flight. Grab one here on

Stable putter – Dynamic Discs Judge

Dude, the Judge is awesome. It’s one of the most popular putters in the #discgolfcommunity for a reason. With extremely straight flight and a habit of sticking when landing, the Judge can help you crush it on the course. The Judge has flight ratings of 2, 4, 0, 1, which can help you keep straight, consistent, dependable drives, approaches, and putts. I especially like how firm the plastic is on the prime burst discs. You should definitely get one for your bag if you don’t have one already (link to

Overstable putter – Westside Discs Harp

So I rant a little bit more about the Harp in the next section, so I’ll make this one short. But I absolutely love the Harp. Even though it’s pretty overstable, it doesnt really feel that way for approaching. It does have a dependable fade on the end, though. With flight ratings of 4, 3, 0, 3, the Harp can be a great addition to your bag. I use the Harp a lot, too, for headwinds. Grab one here on

Driving Putter*

One good thing to have in your bag is a driving putter. Something that you can use on short par 3 shots to find your way to that elusive ace. In a sense, though, almost all putters can be driving putters. The putters that I use for driving are the Judge and the Harp above. If I were to choose just 1 disc to use for drives, it would be the Weatside Discs Harp because of how it feels to me. It’s designed similar to the Dynamic Discs Truth and flies really well. The Harp is designed as more of an approach disc, so longer throws are it’s specialty.

The Harp is pretty overstable, so if you don’t want something with that much fade, check out’s list of the Best Disc Golf Driving Putters here. This list is pretty good if you’re looking for something else that you would like to have for this category. And remember, you don’t have to have an extra disc for driving. You can just use something you already have like I do.

Putter that you trust*

So you’ll see a theme through the rest of the sections in that you should have a disc that you trust in each category. Something that you can use if you’re not sure about what to throw. But also something that you know has helped you crush some of your tougher shots on the course. For me that’s just about all of the putters I carry minus the Zone. So I can use either the Harp, the Judge, or I can pull out the Aviar. Any of those will do so make sure you carry a disc or 2 that you trust more than anything else.


Understable mid-range – Discraft Buzzz

The Buzzz is probably the most popular mid-range in the world. But it’s in my bag because of how reliable it is on the course. Seriously, this disc will hit any line you try to throw. It’s also just a fantastically accurate approach disc that sticks upon landing almost every time. You can grab one here on

Stable mid-range – Innova Atlas

The Atlas is so awesome. It’s nice stability makes it refreshing on the course. With flight ratings of 5, 5, 0, 1, the Atlas combines two types of plastics and has been very successful for me in terms of grip, durability, and consistency. You can grab your Atlas here on

Overstable mid-range – Dynamic Discs EMac Truth

The truth is…the truth! Seriously, a somewhat overstable disc that has always played well for me. With flight ratings of 5, 5, 0, 2, the truth always holds a really stable line for me on the course. Get yours here on

Mid-range that you trust*

Just like with putters, I’m going to have a disc that I trust in a mid-range. For me that’s the Innova Wombat. But you can pick whatever you want for this disc.

Control driver

Understable driver – Innova Leopard

If there was ever an understable disc that you should always have in your bag, it’s the Leopard. It’s not only the perfect disc for beginners, but an extremely flexible disc for all higher skilled players. The Leopard has flight ratings of 6, 5, -2, 1 and is what I throw when I need a control driver. Get yours here on

Stable driver – Latitude 64 Saint

Now I normally carry a stable control driver in my bag, but a good stable mid-range can kind of account for this disc and can fly pretty close to as far. I’ve got the Saint in my bag for this job. It’s got friendly flight ratings of 9, 7, -2, 2, making it a very reliable control driver. Grab yours here on

Overstable driver – Innova Teebird

The Teebird is a really consistent and steady disc golf driver that has kind of set the standard for what a great disc golf driver has to be like. With flight ratings of 7, 5, 0, 2, the Teebird has been a top choice for players 20 years now and remains in a lot of bags. If you want a disc that will do what you want it to do, the Teebird is it. Grab one here on

Control driver that you trust*

Just like with the other disc categories in this post, I would stress having a control driver that you can trust in just about any situation. You can use any level of stability for this category and substitute it for a disc above. I always keep a Latitude 64 River in my bag for this category.

Distance driver

Understable driver – Innova Katana

The Katana is an amazingly understable tool for your your bag. With flight ratings of 13, 5, -3, 3, this disc is great for turnover shots and powerful anhyzers. Innova calls this disc, “the sidewinder on steroids,” because of the high amount of turn and high amount of fade this disc can produce. Grab yours here on

Stable driver – Dynamic Discs Sheriff

I don’t think I’ll ever stop recommending or loving the Sheriff. With flight ratings of 13, 5, -1, 2, the Sheriff is a very versatile and consistent distance driver. This is definitely the multi-tool driver in my bag. The one I’ve got always flies smooth and straight and holds the line very well until the slight fade on the end. Definitely check this disc out at

Overstable driver – Discraft Zeus

Best disc golf discs 2020The Discraft Zeus is one of the most popular disc releases of all-time, thanks to Paul McBeth switching over to Discraft. With flight ratings of 12, 5, -1, 3, this overstable beast will help you reach that max distance goal and stay consistent. But you have to be able to handle the stability or else this disc will be nothing but a curse to your game. If you got the power to throw it, you can grab one of these on

Distance driver that you trust*

Again, you can substitute any driver that you completely trust for any of the discs on this list. The option is completely up to you in your quest to build the perfect bag. But everyone is different so experiment excessively until you get the perfect balance of distance drivers in your bag. Once you finish up this disc type, you should have a fully stocked, fully built disc golf bag that’s ready to go out and hit the course!


Building a good disc golf bag is absolutely essential if you really want to start becoming better and more competitive in the sport. And now that you’ve been through not just this post, but part 1, you should be well on your way to the top of your game. Now you just have to take the time and play with your new bag so you can really start to show off. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and go throw!

Other resources

Here are just a couple of extra resources that helped me with this post. You can also find Part 1 of building a bag below.

How to Build the Ultimate Disc Golf Bag – Part 1

Choosing the Right Disc Golf Disc by Blake Takkunen

Disc Selection Overlap by Blake Takkunen

Great job!

If you’ve gotten this far, you must really want to learn more about disc golf! If you’re interested in more of what we have to say about the sport, check out some of our best posts below.

50 Ways to Get More Birdies and Improve Your Disc Golf Game

The 50 Best Disc Golf Drills to Change Your Game Forever

37 Best Disc Golf Discs for Beginners (You Need These)

The 27 Best Disc Golf Distance Tips for Beginners

The 15 All-Time Best Disc Golf Discs

All of these posts are our absolute best resources for practice, drills, and disc selection so check them out!

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Don’t forget

You can also grab a copy of our book, “The Disc Golf Player’s Manual,” here on the site. It’s packed full of extremely practical tips and tricks to help you immediately start improving on the course!


I am an avid disc golfer and lover of the sport. My mission with is to reach as many people as possible to help them love disc golf, too!

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