Disc golf is awesome. You probably know that by now. We play it constantly, always trying to up our game and improve our scores. And we should celebrate it all. The fun. The competition. Even the connection with nature. Disc golf is something special, enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of players all around the world.
Then comes late summer. A scorching series of days where sunblock is not only necessary but practically required. This part of the season brings us a lot of heat and humidity. But it also brings us National Disc Golf Day. A day that we, as disc golfers, wait for all year long.
So when is National Disc Golf Day?
National disc golf day is the first Saturday in August every year. This year it is on August 3rd, 2024!
Future dates:
• August 2nd, 2025
• August 1st, 2026
• August 7th, 2027
Why is National Disc Golf Day important?
• It’s a day to just go out and have fun: forget the scores, the competition, the trees, other obstacles, bad vibes, negativity, and anything else that’s been weighing you down. Now get out and celebrate the day.
• It’s an opportunity to grow the sport: the advocates of disc golf, like myself, are always looking to promote the sport in some way. And National Disc Golf Day is the best time to do that. So find a way to help #growthesport this year. Check out PDGA’s cool 5 part series on a few ways that we can grow the sport this year.
• It’s a holiday we can all celebrate: no matter how good you are, how many tournaments you’ve played, what your disc golf goal is, or who you are, National Disc Golf Day is a holiday that we can celebrate together.
3 ways you can get better by the next national disc golf day
There are a ton of ways to get better at disc golf. But below, we’ve highlighted 3 of the best ways to start improving your game. If you’d like to read about more ways to get better, check out our post, “101 Disc Golf Tips to Take Your Game to the Next Level,” after reading the 3 tips below.
1. 10X your putting
One part of the game that I really struggle with is my short game. My putting is definitely not up to where I want it to be. But I learned early that if you’re struggling to get better, a great way to take strokes off of your game is to get way better at putting. Your short game can really crush your score, so today I want you to think about 10Xing your putting game.
The 10X rule says that you should set goals that are 10 times greater than how good you believe you can be and take actions that are 10 times greater than what you believe you need to achieve those goals. I know that sounds kind of weird, but seriously, if you want to get better at putting why not get ten times better at putting? Here’s how you do that:
• Read our post, “The 12 Best Disc Golf Putting Tips for Beginners.” Yeah, it says for beginners but it has excellent tips to get you started.
• Buy a disc golf basket. Check out our post on “11 Reasons Why You Need a Disc Golf Basket.”
• Have a regular practice routine and practice every day. Mindbodydisc.com has a great resource here on how to practice more effectively.
• Make up putting games and drills. This is the best way to competitively get better at putting. Try the putting drill in the drills section below.
If you do all of those things, your putting will improve dramatically and you will easily improve your score for the next National Disc Golf Day celebration.
2. Add some distance
We all want to add distance to our game. Because this is one of the best ways to take strokes off your score during each round. Less strokes on the scorecard equals a better experience on the course and a better score. There are several ways to add distance to your score. So here we go:
• The ultimate guide: read our massive distance guide, “The 27 Best Disc Golf Distance Tips for Beginners.” This guide, even though it states “for beginners,” can show you some of the best ways to increase your distance on the course.
• Get a net: I bought a simple yet tough net here off of Amazon and I put it up in my garage. I paid a total of about $50 bucks for the net and the stuff to put it up. This has been one of the best investments I have made for my disc golf game to date. And it’s been hella’ fun to use, too!
• Open field practice: getting some open field practice in can really develop your distance. This no-stress environment can be very productive. Just make sure that you focus on your technique and don’t develop bad habits. You can check out a couple of field tips here on the Dynamic Discs blog.
3. Practice a few disc golf drills
I absolutely love sports drills. Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve been doing drills of some kind for a variety of different sports. And even though some of them can be monotonous, if you put some effort in, you will be rewarded. Drills undoubtedly help you get better. Try the following drills to see if they help you make an improvement.
• Drill #1 – “field goals”: find a local football field or school field with field goal posts, start at the 50 yard line (150 feet and make your field goals. Make a few then back up 10 yards. Back up until you can consistently throw your disc through the posts at 100 yards (300 feet).
• Drill #2 – “stack drill” or “10 in a row”: this putting drill challenges you to make 10 putts in a row. Once you can do that, back up a few feet. Now do it again. And again.
• Drill #3 – “Towel drill”: for a great instruction video on the towel drill, check out this one on YouTube here.
Ypu can also check out our awesome drills post called, “The 50 Best Disc Golf Drills to Change Your Game Forever.”
So go get out on the course
If you really want to shine on the course, and crush your buddies on the next National Disc Golf Day, you have to start heading out now. One of the absolute best extra tips that I can give you right now is this one below.
Just get out on the course and throw.
The idea is that you need to practice your game on a real course with real obstacles. There’s only so much you can do watching videos and reading blog posts. Eventually you need to pack your bag and start heading out onto the course. It doesn’t matter if you’re terrible or just beginning. What matters is that you actually get out on the course and practice. Because practice makes permanent.
If you just absolutely can’t get out on the course, at least try to work on some drills, practice putting, or practice throwing into a net of some kind like we talked about earlier. If you can do that, you will improve exponentially.
Final thoughts
National Disc Golf Day is a really awesome way to celebrate the sport. It’s a day where we can all come together and just go crazy for disc golf. The funny thing is that most of us usually do that anyway because disc golf is so great. This year, find a way to #growthesport or just do what you can to keep disc golf alive in your circle of friends. I mean, what’s better than a round of disc golf on a beautiful day in August?
Looking for some great discs?
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Great job!
If you’ve gotten this far, you must really want to learn more about disc golf and everything about it. If you’re interested in more frequently asked questions, you can check out the resources below or hit up our FAQ page here.
What is a Birdie in Disc Golf?
How Much Does it (Actually) Cost to Play Disc Golf?
How Many Discs Do You Need to Play Disc Golf?
What if My Disc Golf Disc Goes Out of Bounds?
What if My Disc Golf Disc Lands on Top of the Basket?
Related Content
You can also check out our awesome related content.
9 Weird Tricks to Improve Your Disc Golf Game (Forever)
101 Disc Golf Tips to Take Your Game to the Next Level
The 12 Best Disc Golf Putting Tips for Beginners
Don’t forget
You can also grab a copy of our book, “The Disc Golf Player’s Manual,“ here on the site. It’s packed full of extremely practical tips and tricks to help you immediately start improving on the course!