When you're out on the disc golf course, It takes a considerable amount of effort to tough out the heat. And if you live anywhere that gets hotter than 80 degrees out, you know of the struggle that...
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Disc golf is a heck of a sport. I was on about hole four on one of my local courses, Creekside Park in Archdale, NC, when I realized that there were a lot of awesome reasons why I actually play disc...
There are a lot of great ways to play disc golf. You can get out in the rain, in the snow, and my favorite, at night time. Yes, that's right. One of the most fun ways to play disc golf is at night....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFpQ2AFYC9s&ab_channel=DGNDiscGolf It's been a few years since I started playing disc golf, and so far, I've enjoyed every minute of it. The thrill of...
In disc golf, just like every other game out there, you have to keep score to determine who the winner is. Keeping score helps you know who came out on top, so how do you keep score and what is the...
So you found the water, eh? Don't worry, because disc golfers everywhere know the feeling. You think you've thrown what could have been an ace of only the basket was parked where it had been on the...