The disc golf world has seen some incredible discs over the years. Players have gone from throwing literal frisbees to some of the sleekest, most beautiful discs the world has ever seen.
These days, disc golf discs are simply works of art mixed with the advances of science in the world of plastic molding. It’s honestly pretty incredible. Then we buy those awesome discs and throw them into every tree and obstacle in our path.
But as we get better at disc golf, we need the best discs to help us improve our skill level. So in this post, we’re going to be talking about fairway/control drivers and how they can help you win. I’ve brought you an all-star lineup of the 7 best disc golf fairway and control drivers in disc golf today.
So why do we even need fairway/control drivers?
3 reasons why you need fairway/control drivers
1. Control and distance: if you need more distance than mid-range discs and more control than a normal distance driver, you’ll need a good fairway/control driver to get you both distance and control. The great thing about these discs is that they fill the slot in between mid-range discs and distance drivers. They allow you to get fantastic distance out of your driver, without sacrificing control on the teepad or in the fairway.
2. Technique: these drivers allow you to still get distance out of your discs while still allowing you to maintain that control AND use good technique on each and every throw. As you progress in disc golf, good technique is incredibly important. And mastering control drivers are the next step up toward true skill in this sport.
3. Distance drivers? Nah, not yet: if you’re still a newer player, you may not be able to throw distance drivers just yet. These discs allow you to continue moving up in discs – from putter to mid-range to fairway/control driver and everntually on up to distance drivers. If you’re not good enough for distance drivers yet, work with fairway/control drivers until you build up the skills to play with faster discs.
Word of caution on drivers
If you’re a brand new player, I highly encourage you to start out by throwing putters and mid-range discs. You shouldn’t throw drivers at all until you can throw putter and mid-range discs extremely well. So skip the drivers, including this post, until you’re ready for them. In the meantime, check out these 2 posts:
If you have the skill, let’s check out that list!
The 7 best disc golf fairway/control drivers of all-time
My #1 Pick – Innova Teebird
The Teebird has been an incredibly popular disc for years and years now. And I’d argue that it would be the most popular disc in all of disc golf if not for the continued popularity of the Discraft Buzzz year after year. As for fairway/control drivers, though, this disc is an easy #1 pick. Infinite Discs states that the Teebird “set the standard for driving consistency and is the disc that all new models are compared with.” Most disc golfers would agree.
With that being said, the Teebird is VERY highly reviewed, with most players giving this disc a solid 5 stars. With flight ratings of 7, 5, 0, 2, the Teebird was built for straight lines and dependability. This disc will fade on you a little bit, but will hold your line for most of its flight. Very versatile and reliable fairway/control driver and a must for your disc golf bag.
If you’d like to try out the Teebird, check it out here on
2. Latitude 64 Saint
The Saint is another tried and true disc golf fairway/control driver that’s perfect for intermediate disc golfers. I’ve been playing with the Saint for awhile and it has really helped out my disc golf game.
The Saint is a mostly straight flier and is slightly overstable. Its main feature is its ability to get incredible distance. Most of the discs on this list get decent distance but the Saint is pretty insane as a distance disc (check out the incredible glide)! With flight ratings of 9, 7, -2, 2, if this disc is thrown hard enough, it turns over fairly well before breaking with some fade on the end (kind of like a slight “s curve”). So this disc could actually be utilized for either a hyzer flip, flex shot, or an s-shot depending on how you throw it.
Check it out here on
3. Innova Leopard 
I made sure to put the Leopard on this list because it is, by far, the best disc golf fairway/control driver for beginner disc golfers. Because this is the easiest fairway/control driver on the market. With flight ratings of 6, 5, -2, 1, it could almost be considered a mid-range if it wasn’t shaped like a driver.
As a newer player, I would argue that this is one of the only drivers that you should have in your bag. As a day 1 beginner, you should skip drivers altogether, but once you’ve gotten a few rounds under your belt, you should be fine to add this disc to your bag.
But the Leopard is great for any player, really. For the more advanced disc golfer, the Leopard is extremely controllable and incredibly versatile. It will be reliable when and where you need it to be. So don’t feel hesitant because it may look like a beginner disc. Because this disc is great for everybody.
Grab yourself a Leopard here on
4. Dynamic Discs Escape 
I’m a big fan of the Escape. It flies a lot like my favorite disc, the Dynamic Discs Sheriff, but doesn’t require very much speed at all. Plus, the Escape allows for much more control on the fairway. You know, being a fairway/control driver and all.
The Escape is a stable to overstable, moderate speed driver with a small bit of fade at the end of flight. If you’re looking for controlled flight on the fairway, and distance as well, the Escape may be the fairway/control driver for you. Because you can’t “escape” its reliability and versatility. As far as control drivers go, the Escape is a true multi-tool on the course. Not a beginner disc, but perfect for intermediate and advanced disc golfers. Flight ratings of 9, 5, -1, 2.
Get yours here on
5. Infinite Discs Exodus
The Exodus has been one of Infinite Discs’ most popular discs to date. Why? Well, if I were to compare it to any other control driver, it would easily match up to the Innova Teebird with just a touch more overstability. Players have loved the Exodus for this reason, giving it outstanding reviews since its release a couple of years ago.
With flight ratings of 7, 5, -0.5, 2, the Exodus is fairly overstable and excellent for its precision. With manageable speed, it can easily be manipulated to hold almost any line you throw it on. But it will give you a touch of predictable fade on the end of every throw. So don’t fool yourself into thinking that the Exodus is easy to throw. Just like the Teebird, the Exodus should only be bagged and thrown by intermediate and advanced disc golfers.
Grab an Exodus here on
6. Axiom Insanity
The Insanity is one of Axiom’s best fairway/control drivers ever. I will say, though, that this isn’t Axiom’s only great control driver – this company has multiple discs that can compete with the best in each and every disc category. But the Insanity has been one of their best control drivers to date…so it makes this list.
You can say that this disc is “insane” on the course. With flight ratings of 9, 5, -2, 1.5, this disc is a straight, mostly stable flier with a touch of turn and fade in each direction. Infinite states that this disc is a little less stable than the inertia, but I’m more of a fan of this disc.
If you’d like to check it out, grab one here on
7. Discraft Undertaker 
The Undertaker is a ridiculously fun disc to play with. At 9, 5, -1, 2, the Undertaker is mildly overstable and will give you a nice ending fade when your disc is slowing down. This fairway/control driver is excellent for both backhand and forehand throws, as well as fighting headwinds and offering manageable fade as well. Another great disc to have in your bag!
Get yours here on
The final say
Alright, so you’ve seen 7 of the all-time best control drivers in the game. Hopefully, this post helps you find at least a couple that you’d like to try out. Because these 7 discs are the best of the best and for good reason – they’ve been super popular for years, they have awesome reviews, and they just throw incredibly well. So don’t hesitate when looking at this list. All of these discs are winners and are just waiting to hop into your disc golf bag.
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Don’t forget about the book!
If you’re looking to really step your game up, check out the best ebook on the planet – The Disc Golf Player’s Manual. This 200+ plus page guide can help you learn the game, find the right equipment, and give you the tips that you need to be successful on the disc golf course. For more, check it out here on my site!