17 Best Disc Golf Putters: Cut 10+ Strokes Off Your Score!

When I first started playing disc golf, I thought I knew it all. I grabbed a couple drivers, a couple mid-range discs, and one putter. After getting what I thought I needed for this seemingly epic new sport, I played a lot. And some more. And again. I played a lot of rounds the first summer I learned about disc golf. But after all of those rounds, I sucked.

I kept playing and trying to get better. But I still sucked. I wasn’t listening to better players and I’m sure they judged me fiercely for it. As I continued to play, I noticed that I was surprisingly better with a couple of mid-range discs and I was playing even better wth that one putter. Then it hit me.

All of these players have been telling me the whole time – slow down and disc down.

It was time to listen. Up until then, I had only used my putter for putting. I had never thrown it for longer than a 20-30 foot putt. I knew it was important for putting…because that’s what it’s made for.

But putters are more than that. They’re meant to help with approaching (i.e. putt and approach) and they can be used to help new players learn how to throw. So I got a couple more putters and I used them. I played and I improved. I never realized the true importance of putters until then.

So today, we’re going to look at some of the best putters in the game. I’m going to show you the 17 best disc golf putters and let you choose which one you think is best for your game and your bag. So let’s go get it!

The 17 best disc golf putters

1. Innova Aviar

2. Dynamic Discs Judge

3. Gateway Wizard

4. Discraft Zone

5. Westside Discs Harp

6. Discmania P2 “Psycho”

7. Innova Nova

8. Latitude 64 Pure

9. Dynamic Discs Warden

10. Axiom Envy

11. MVP Atom

12. Discraft Challenger SS

13. Innova Pig

14. Prodigy PA-4

15. Westside Discs Swan 1 Reborn

16. Discraft Roach

17. Latitude 64 Mercy

Honorable Mention – Discraft Luna

3 reasons why you need a good putter

1. Accuracy, distance, and putting

You need to a good putter to help you with more than just putting. A good, dependable, trustworthy putter can be used for approach shots, short tee shots (or long tee shots if you’re Paul McBeth), and for practicing your accuracy/distance in solo disc rounds. Putters are extremely important. So you need a good putter for your bag.

2. Love the feel

You need a putter that you really like the feel of. The way you feel and whether or not you like the physical feel of the disc in your hands can set you apart from the rest of the competitors. You want to find a disc that feels good in your hands and that you like to throw. If you achieve this, your putting game will improve 10+ strokes in no time.

3. “Drive for show, putt for dough”

You need a good putter or 3 because putting helps you win. Just like the quote above says, you drive and throw long distance shots for show. That’s all for the entertainment, or the “wow” factor. But putting is what helps you win. Whether it’s a casual round, competitive round, league match, or a tournament, putting is what seals the deal. You need a good, reliable putter to help you win.

So don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Just check out the list below and go get you one.

The 17 best disc golf putters

1. Innova Aviar

The Aviar wins. It’s hands down been the most popular putter for many years and continues to reign (flight ratings of 2, 3, 0, 1). I will say, though, that there are some other discs in this post that are starting to catch up. Until then, it will stay, according to InfiniteDiscs.com, “the most popular putter in the world.” You can do a lot with the Aviar, but putting is its forte. A lot of players like throwing with the Aviar, but I use mine more for putting than anything else.

I do have a lot of love, though, for the Aviar. When I started out with all those drivers and mid-range discs, I bought one putter. That putter was the Aviar. I didn’t necessarily like how it felt while throwing, but the Aviar helped me learn technique, footwork, and accuracy. It helped me get better, so It’s my #1. Get yourself an Aviar here on Discgolfunited.com.

2. Dynamic Discs Judge

I absolutely love the Judge. It just feels so great to me when I throw it and it has been my go to putter for multiple years now. I dont really like the Judge for throwing situations more than a short approach shot. But I believe the Judge was made specifically for putting (i.e. it’s called a putter and not a putt and approach). I won’t knock those for using it for approaches and short tee shots, but this is a true putter to me. Dynamic did a great job with the Judge, and to this day, it’s remained one of the most popular putters in disc golf. The flight ratings are 2, 4, 0, 1, making this a mostly straight-flying piece of plastic. This disc is extremely beginner friendly and has a very forgiving nature. If you want a great addition to your bag, and something to help shave many strokes off your game, grab a Judge here (link to InfiniteDiscs.com).

3. Gateway Wizard

The Gateway Wizard, according to InfiniteDiscs.com, is the most popular putter sold on their website. And after throwing it, I see why. This somewhat overstable disc, with flight ratings of 2, 3, 0, 2, is extremely reliable and is fantastic in many different throwing situations. The Wizard is pretty stiff and has a great amount of grip for grabbing those chains. This is a very highly rated and highly recommended disc. Grab one here on InfiniteDiscs.com.

4. Discraft Zone

The Zone has been a popular putter from Discraft for a while now. With flight ratings of 4, 3, 0, 3, it’s a fairly overstable disc. This disc is great for short drives, those in need of a disc that will reliably fade for them, and almost anything with a tough headwind. A lot of golfers may compare this disc with the next disc on this list, the Harp, because of the similar flight ratings. But to me, the Zone flies a bit differently. I wouldn’t recommend this disc for beginners, but it can be a great for your bag once you start developing good form and technique. Otherwise the fade is too much to handle. If you think you’re good enough to throw the Zone, grab one here on InfiniteDiscs.com.

5. Westside Discs Harp

The Harp is an absolutely fantastic overstable disc golf disc. This disc is labeled as a “mid-range putter” and I believe Westside has nailed it with that. Most putters are called putt and approach discs, but the Harp can really serve you a dual purpose in that it flies really really well if you were to throw it as just a mid-range. To me, this disc feels similar to the Dynamic Discs Emac Truth, and is a very useful disc in my disc golf bag. The Harp, with flight ratings of 4, 3, 0, 3, is very well-rounded and flies fairly well off the tee on short drives, too. This disc is #2 in my top 5 discs for playing a solo disc round, right behind the Buzzz mid-range. If you want to add a great multi-tool to your bag, hit up InfiniteDiscs.com and grab you a Harp.

6. Discmania P2 “Psycho”

The P2 was one of the top-selling putters for Infinite Discs in 2018 and has continued to dominate in 2019. A lot of players have raved about how well the P2 is for throwing off the tee, so much so that I tried it and am now convinced the P2 is another great all-around disc golf disc. It’s a touch overstable, with flight ratings of 2, 3, 0, 2, but is a good transition disc for newer disc golfers who have gotten a few rounds under their belt and want to really learn how to throw with good technique. Putting-wise, this disc flies very straight and is a perfect inside the circle chain-banger. If you’ve been looking for the perfect putter and you just haven’t found it yet, head over to InfiniteDiscs.com and grab the P2.

7. Innova Nova

The Nova, made famous by Paul McBeth when he was with Innova, is a really solid, really straight-flying disc. It features Innova’s double mold technology and sports flight ratings of 2, 3, 0, 0. The Nova flies beautifully if thrown off the tee and handles approach shots with ease. Pros David Wiggins and Jeremy Koling also used this disc and seemed to love it. The Nova is perfect for short drives, tunnel shots, and approach shots. Definitely grab one for your bag here on Discgolfunited.com.

8. Latitude 64 Pure

The Pure is a really nice putter from Latitude 64. It is an extremely straight-flying disc, with flight ratings of 3, 3, -1, 1, and is fantastic for almost any kind of short throwing situation. The Pure can be a great starter disc for new players, or for advanced players looking for a dependable putt and approach disc. No matter the skill level, you should check this disc out. Infinite Discs states,“for a pure controlled flight, consider the Latitude 64 Pure.” You can grab one from them here on their website.

9. Dynamic Discs Warden

The Warden is a pretty fun disc and is similar in design to the Judge, though the Warden is beadless. But even with similar flight ratings (Warden: 2, 4, 0, 0.5 – Judge: 2, 4, 0, 1) the Warden flies its own way. It’s a little bit less stable, but isn’t really as good of an off-the-tee putter as the Judge is. Putting with the Warden feels great, with this disc being smooth and steady. A lot of people seem to either like the Judge or the Warden better. I’m more fond of the Judge, but I’ll let you choose. If you want to check out the Warden, you can do that here on InfiniteDiscs.com.

10. Axiom Envy

I love the Envy. If I were to describe it in one word, I’d probably go with trustworthy or reliable. This disc, with flight ratings of 3, 3, 0, 2, is just pure fun to play with. Putting is easy, approach shots always fly well, and tee shots fly straight with a small, predictable fade. I named the Envy as one of the best discs to play a solo round with. For those rounds, I compared it with the Buzzz, Harp, Roc, and Tangent. So it’s in good company and is just a great all-around disc to play with. Grab one for yourself here on InfiniteDiscs.com.

11. MVP Atom

Similar to the Axiom Envy, the MVP atom is a fairly straight flying putter with just a bit of fade on the end (flight ratings of 3, 3, 0, 1). The Atom will hold a dependably straight line for power throwers and will show off its potential once thrown off the tee. Putting with the Atom is fairly simple: point, throw, and celebrate. The Atom’s stability is neutral within the circle and the disc is easy to throw for almost any putting style. The Atom is a smart addition to your bag. Check current prices here on InfiniteDiscs.com.

12. Discraft Challenger SS

The Challenger SS is the more understable version of the ever popular Challenger putter. The SS comes with flight ratings of 2, 4, -1, 2, which make this disc a bit friendlier and easier to throw for intermediate players. This disc in jawbreaker plastic is very “sticky,” as in it will grip the chains if it touches them. But it’s not too grippy for your throws. The grip of this disc is also phenomenal for approach shots. You throw it, it sticks. Done deal. Grab a Challenger SS here on InfiniteDiscs.com.

If you want something more stable, check out the original Challenger here on InfiniteDiscs.com.

13. Innova Pig

The Pig has started to become popular as of late because of fantastic play by disc golf pro Ricky Wysocki. The Pig has flight ratings of 3, 1, 0, 3 and is great for hyzer putts, putting/approaching in the wind, and for those who want a really comfortable-feeling disc. The pig makes a great addition to a competitive bag. Check it out here on Discgolfunited.com.

14. Prodigy PA-4

I picked up the PA-4 because I heard some good things about it. I also found a really cool looking misprint disc here on InfiniteDiscs.com. The PA-4 sports flight ratings of 3, 3, -1, 1, making this disc a stable, consistent putter for almost all skill levels. Upon playing with this disc, I liked the feel and the grip, as it really grabs at the chains and seems to want to be in the basket. Steady, consistent, and reliable are the three words I would use to describe the PA-4. Grab one through the link above.

15. Westside Discs Swan 1 Reborn

The Swan 1 Reborn has made it’s way into a couple of my top discs lists because of how great is is for newer players. Westside used the original mold from the Swan, but designed the Swan 1 Reborn to be a bit more understable (and thus, better for beginners). The flight ratings are 3, 3, -2.5, 0, which can serve a new player through learning all parts of the game. The Swan 1 Reborn can make a great all-around use disc for learning how to drive, approach, and to putt, so it is definitely recommended by myself for any players, especially new ones, looking for an overall great putter. Check the Swan 1 Reborn out here on InfiniteDiscs.com.

16. Discraft Roach

The Discraft Roach made this list because of how reliable it is. The Roach is very stable, with flight ratings of 2, 4, 0, 1, and can hold the line for just about any throw. As the 2015 Ace Race disc, Discraft designed the Roach with extra glide to help you keep it in the air longer through putts, approach shots, and short drives. This disc glides for days and makes a great addition to your bag. Grab one here on InfiniteDiscs.com.

17. Latitude 64 Mercy

The Mercy is a really good, underrated putter with a great feel to it…courtesy of a deep rim. With flight ratings of 2, 4, 0, 1, this stable piece of plastic can really help to settle down your game and lower your score. I’m a big fan of the Mercy, so go check it out here on InfiniteDiscs.com.

Honorable Mention – Discraft Luna

The Luna is Paul McBeth’s new baby. This somewhat overstable putter, with flight ratings of 3, 3, 0, 3, can really fly when thrown for distance and feels great in the hand for everything else. Even though this disc is relatively new on the scene, I wanted to add it to this list as sort of an honorable mention. Grab you a Luna here on InfiniteDiscs.com.

Hopefully this post helped

I really hope that this list was able to help you choose a great putter for your bag. But now I’m here to help you even more! If you’d like to learn a couple more ways to take strokes off your gam, check out the following 3 posts below:

The 12 Best Disc Golf Putting Tips for Beginners

The 27 Best Disc Golf Distance Tips for Beginners

101 Disc Golf Tips to Take Your Game to the Next Level

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Thanks for reading, disc golfers! You guys are awesome! If you liked what we wrote, please give it a share.

Don’t forget

You can also grab a copy of our book, “The Disc Golf Player’s Manual,” here on the site. It’s packed full of extremely practical tips and tricks to help you immediately start improving on the course!


I am an avid disc golfer and lover of the sport. My mission with DiscgolfNOW.com is to reach as many people as possible to help them love disc golf, too!

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