Overstable discs can be a lot of fun…especially overstable putters.
But you’ve got to have the right discs. And you have to have the right skill set to be able to handle overstable putters effectively. Now these discs aren’t hard to throw, but you’ve got to be ready to throw them.
The good news is that you can use most of these discs as putters as soon as you start playing. Once you’ve got a couple of rounds under your belt, and can throw a disc decently straight, you can start to experiment with these overstable discs to begin learning exactly what overstable discs can do (and how they can help you out on the course).
So in this post, we’re going to quickly go over 5 reasons why you need an overstable putter and jump right into the 11 best overstable disc golf putters (plus my #1 pick).
Without further ado, let’s get started!
5 quick reasons why you need an overstable putter
1. predictable: so first off, overstable discs are great because they are predictable. By this I mean that they are almost always going to fly exactly like their flight ratings suggest. For right-handed backhand throwers, the disc will fade to the left. For right-handed forehand throwers, the disc will fade right. The more overstable, the more the disc will fade. Simple as that.
Turn doesn’t really play much of a part in overstable discs, which allows them to be predictable. Understable discs tend to be affected by more things. The wind hurts and turn is a little bit more unpredictable than fade. Most of the time, understable discs stay a little bit straighter. While overstable discs are usually spot on to how they’re supposed to fly.
2. forehand: overstable discs make forehand throws just a bit easier. Obviously, which discs you throw for forehand is a personal preference. Understable discs are perfect for learning forehand. They also require better form. Once you have a solid, developed forehand, overstable discs can and will benefit your game tremendously. You can also cheat your form just a little bit without much issue. I always suggest proper form and correct disc use, but this isn’t normally much of a problem and doesn’t cause bad form overall.
3. wind fighters: if there’s one huge thing that all overstable discs offer you, it’s the ability to fight the wind. Headwinds reduce disc stability so a heavily overstable disc will become less stable with the wind. I’m not even gonna’ attempt to go into more detail than that in this post. Just remember that overstable discs fight headwinds like a champ.
4. Utility discs: since overstable discs are more predictable, they can be great utility discs for a lot of different shots like approaches where the disc needs to sit down, skip shots, anything fighting the wind, dogleg left/right shots, flex shots, and anything else that needs an overstable disc thrown at an extreme angle.
5. a lot of disc choices: lastly, the great thing about overstable putters is that there are A LOT of choices. I put 11 of the best choices here on this list, but there were a bunch of other discs that I left off of it. So check them all out. In the end, it’s your choice. But before you go, check out my list below ⬇️.
11 Best Overstable Disc Golf Putters
My #1 Pick – Westside Discs Harp (4, 3, 0, 3)
The Harp is hands down the best overstable disc golf disc on the market today. There have been a few entries into the overstable market that have really given the Harp a run for its money, but the Harp still reigns. I love the Harp. I got one very early in my #discgolfjourney and have loved it ever since. This disc freakin’ rocks.
But be weary, though, because the Harp is very overstable. This disc will not turn on you at all. The great thing about the Harp is that it doesn’t have to be thrown very hard to get you a perfectly straight flight. The 4 speed rating is spot on. It also glides fairly well for only a 3 glide rating. Like I just said, no turn at all. And with a 3 fade rating, a lot of predictable fade on the end. Overall, fantastic disc.
If you’d like to try out the Harp, grab one here on InfiniteDiscs.com.
2. Discraft Zone (4, 3, 0, 3)
I’m not a huge fan of how the Zone feels in my hand, but it flies amazingly well for me. For the first reason, I don’t normally bag this disc (sometimes I will when it’s really windy out). But this disc is super popular in the #discgolfcommunity. It’s actually a little bit more popular than the Harp, but I like the Harp better, so it gets my top pick today.
The flight is a lot like the Harp, as they share similar flight ratings. It doesn’t take much to get this disc up to speed. The 3 glide rating is fine for a putter and there’s no turn whatsoever on this disc. The 3 fade makes this disc pretty overstable so it’s great to have in the bag for a variety of shots. It’s a decent putter, too.
Grab a Zone here on InfiniteDiscs.com.
3. Innova Aviar X3 (3, 2, 0, 3)
I’m also not a huge fan of the Aviar, but the AviarX3 is an interesting disc. This is the super overstable version of the Aviar and it flies a lot better, in my opinion, than the original Aviar (that disc has flight ratings of 3, 2.5, 0, 1). So far, the AviarX3 has been a pretty solid overstable putting option. 3 speed is a pretty common speed among putters and it isn’t hard to throw at all. The X3 only has a 2 glide rating. No turn on this disc…the same as all of the others so far. And a 3 fade rating makes this disc turn quite a bit at the end of every throw.
If you’d like to grab an AviarX3, get it here on Discgolfunited.com.
4. Prodigy PA-1 (3, 3, 0, 2)
The Prodigy PA-1 is the overstable brother to one of my favorite Prodigy discs, the PA-4. That’s a fun disc and the PA-1 is very similar (you know, except for the overstable part). Great disc that’s got a little bit less overstability than some of the other discs on this list.
Here’s what Prodigy has to say about the PA-1:
“The Prodigy Disc PA-1 Putt & Approach disc is designed to be overstable. The consistent flight path of this disc makes it a favorite of disc golfers looking for consistency and reliability in all wind conditions.”
Grab a PA-1 here on InfiniteDiscs.com.
5. Prodiscus Jokeri (4, 3, 0, 2)
I haven’t had a whole lot of experience with the Jokeri. I got one of these from Infinite Discs to review and I haven’t gotten around to it yet with all of the other discs I’m working on reviewing at the moment, but the few times I’ve played with it have been good so far! This disc is very highly rated on their site, so I may be spending more time with it very soon…
Here’s what Infinite Discs has to say about the Jokeri:
“The Jokeri is a popular, highly rated putt and approach disc made by the Finnish disc manufacturer Prodiscus. This is a tall bulky disc with a flat, almost concave tip. The Jokeri is a very popular disc for short putts as well as long drives. The Prodiscus Jokeri is a reliable overstable disc that performs very well in windy conditions. This disc is available in both basic and premium plastic.”
If you’d like to give it a go, or should I say throw, grab one here on InfiniteDiscs.com.
6. DGA Breaker (3, 3, 0, 3)
I’ve gotta admit that I know nothing about the DGA Breaker. The only two reasons why it’s on this list is 1) it was a highly recommended disc on Reddit when I did research for this post and 2) it’s highly rated and reviewed on all of the other sites I found it on.
So here’s what DGA says about their disc:
“The Breaker is an overstable putt and approach disc making it great all types of approach shots. The Breakers low profile and flat top give it a natural grip in your hand both forehand and backhand. The Breaker is a go-to disc perfect for all skill levels and can be used in all types of wind conditions.”
Grab one here on InfiniteDiscs.com.
7. Innova Pig (3, 1, 0, 3)
The Pig is disc golf pro Ricky Wysocki’s favorite putter. This disc is an overstable beast, well, it’s a Pig, but you get the idea. It’s a great disc. It doesn’t have to be thrown very hard to fly according to its flight ratings. This disc is overstable at its best and will give you a nice meaty fade at the end of flight.
If you want an overstable putter, grab this one here on InfiniteDiscs.com.
8. Axiom Envy (3, 3, 0, 2)
The Envy is a fantastic overstable putter. If you haven’t seen James Conrad sink the tying approach shot at the disc golf world championship in June of 2021, check it out below. This is exactly what the Envy can do for your game.
If you’d like to check out the Envy, grab one here on InfiniteDiscs.com.
9. Dynamic Discs Slammer (3, 2, 0, 3)
The Slammer is a highly utilized yet very underrated overstable putter. A lot of players swear by this disc. I think it’s a nice complement to the rest of the Dynamic Discs lineup. I’m a big fan of this disc.
Here’s what Dynamic Discs says about the Slammer:
“Too long for a putt. Too short for a full throw. The doubts come creeping in when you are between discs. Slam the door on those negative thoughts. The Slammer by Dynamic Discs is meant for times like this. Feels like a putter but can be thrown with the power and aggression of a mid without even thinking about flipping over. Approaching will now be a walk in the park. Get to the basket better and cast off those loose strokes with the Slammer. “
If you’d like to try the Slammer, grab one here on InfiniteDiscs.com.
10. Discraft Luna (3, 3, 0, 3)
The Luna isn’t necessarily a new disc at this point, but it’s new compared to most of the discs on this list. The Luna is one of the better discs in Discraft’s Paul McBeth lineup of discs. And from the day it was released, it hasn’t just been a hot seller, but a really awesome overstable putter.
The Luna has a 3 speed rating, a 3 glide rating, a 0 turn rating, and a 3 fade rating. All of which are similar to the first couple of discs (except for a little bit less speed). It makes me think that they’re trying to create another zone-like disc. The thing about the Luna, though, is that it has the ability to fly 350 plus feet. Paul McBeth showed us that not too long ago. Good putting putter and great driving putter.
You can get one here on InfiniteDiscs.com.
11. Latitude 64 Sinus (2, 2, 0, 2)
Last but not least is the Latitude 64 Sinus. This is a decent overstable disc that isn’t the best overstable putter on the market, but it definitely deserves to be on this list. It’s probably the least overstable disc on this list, but it’s still a great disc. Easy to throw, a little bit of glide, no turn, and a decent amount of fade on the end of flight.
Here’s what Latitude 64 has to say about the Sinus:
“Sinus is a putter with three different textured grip areas on top. This gives players an option to find a grip they feel most comfortable with. Between the grip areas the disc has a regular surface for players who prefer a smooth grip. The flight is quite overstable making it useful in windy conditions.”
If you’d like to grab a Sinus, get one here on InfiniteDiscs.com.
All in all
You’ve just seen 11 of the best overstable putters in the game today. These discs are predictable, great for forehand, great for the wind, and just overall awesome utility discs. Plus, on top of this list, there are a bunch more choices in overstable putters in the market (I just picked what I thought were the best 11). But that’s up to you. Hopefully I helped you pick out a good overstable putter today. If not, I still appreciate you checking out this post!
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Don’t forget to check out the book!
Before you go, don’t forget to check out the best beginner disc golf book on the planet, “The Disc Golf Player’s Manual.” This ebook is packed with over 200+ pages of the best tips, tricks, and advice for new players. Im telling you, this book is epic. If you want to seriously improve in disc golf, you need this book. So don’t miss out!