We all want to get better at disc golf. If you’ve clicked on this post, that tells me that you’re looking for something different. You’re looking for those disc golf tips that can take your game way above where it is now. I understand, because I’m just like you. I’m trying to take my game to the next level and you are, too. I got you.
Today, we’re going through 101 of the absolute best disc golf tips that I could think of. These tips should help you in every facet of your game. And if you implement them all, there’s no telling how good you can get. So, here we go!
Before You Play
1. Practice A LOT…seriously, like DAILY
tip number one is something you’ll see in every single tips list when you search for, “best disc golf tips,” on google. Why? Because it is hands down one of the most important tips if you want to get better at, well, anything. If you truly want to take your game to the next level, you need to put in work and practice.
“Don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong.” -anonymous
But before you get upset and say, “oh, my god, did you really just tell me to practice?,” I’ll ask you this: how good do you want to be? And have you gotten that good yet? Well, if you haven’t reached your goals in disc golf yet, this is where practice comes in.
I’m not just talking about throwing some discs out on a course. This is me telling you that you need to play at the least weekly rounds or more, you need to practice putting a couple of times per week, get a practice net, go out and do field work, and you need to learn the rules and everything about disc golf. If you put in that kind of work, you’re practicing disc golf, in some form or fashion, DAILY. If you don’t put in the work, you won’t become the best. Now…for the rest of those tips.
check out this post that I wrote here on how to practice disc golf.
2. Always stretch before you throw
One very important part of your game should be stretching before every round. This is extremely important so that you get loose and don’t hurt yourself when you throw. For a quick video on how to stretch before you play, check out our best disc golf stretches video on Youtube, or check out our our awesome post on stretching, “The 17 Best Disc Golf Stretches to Improve Your Game.”
3. If you’re injured, don’t play
Something to think about before you play is the status of your body. I’ve been injured a ton of times in my life and I always try to stubbornly play through the injury. It always ends up with me getting hurt worse. If you’re hurt in any way, take a break and skip a week or two. That way you can get back on the course soon and be at 100% percent. Check out our post, “The 11 Step Plan to Recover After a Disc Golf Workout,” to help with healing your body if you’re injured.
4. Actually get out on the course and play
You can do this before or after you read this whole list, but you need to get out on the course and play. No matter what you learn or hear or watch, go out to your local course and get some reps in. That’s how you get better.
Learn the Game
5. Learn about how a disc works
A great way to immediately improve your game and start getting better is to learn about how a disc works. Check out our post, “How Does a Disc Golf Disc Fly Through the Air,” for a great reference on disc flight.
You can also check out a couple of good source articles on this:
The Australian Flying Disc Association has a good article called, “The Physics of Disc Flight.” You can also read, “What Makes a Golf Disc Fly,” here on gdstour.com
6. Learn about the different types of discs
There are many types of discs, but the main three are driver, mid-range, and putter. Boom! You’ve already learned something. For an easy explanation on this, check out our recent post, “What Are the Different Types of Disc Golf Discs.”
You can also see how many discs you should carry her in our article, “How Many Discs Do You Need to Play Disc Golf.”
7. Playing against someone can help you get better
A little competition can bring out the best in people, especially when it comes to disc golf. Some of my best rounds have been me versus one of my friends. If you’d like to read an interesting article, check out, “How to Beat a Better Player,” on Tennismash.com (don’t worry, it’s not about tennis).
8. Focus on technique
As a beginner or amateur player, you need to focus on throwing technique if you want to improve your game. Stop worrying about speed, distance, or anything else your ego is making you think about. Put your ego aside and learn the beginner throwing techniques. Our post, “7 Steps to the Best Disc Golf Technique and a Perfect Throw,” should have you covered. You can also see some throwing basics in the video below.
Link to the video above on YouTube.
9. Don’t worry about distance
When you first start out and are trying to get better, it seems like the baskets are always so far away. Yeah, they are. But don’t worry yourself to death with distance. You have multiple throws to get your disc to the basket, so pay attention to your technique and keep throwing it towards the basket. You will get there.
10. Slow is smooth and smooth is far
So far, you’ve started throwing with good technique and you’ve scrapped your mindset of, “I have to throw the disc as far as I can.” Now you can start to understand the finer points of the game including this tip – slow is smooth and smooth is far. You’re not thinking about distance. You’re thinking about being smooth in your throwing motions. Don’t try to bomb it or jerk it. Just go through the motions in a smooth manner. After a few throws, everything should start improving.
11. Don’t run up on the tee pad
Let me be Frank with this – do not run up on the tee pad for momentum. You don’t need to do that. You may be able to throw it 400 feet. But you probably won’t be accurate. Use technique and smooth motion to throw your disc. Those two things will help you get better and better until you can throw 400 plus feet exactly where you want it. Also, you might end up hurting yourself like I did if you try to run up and throw it too hard. I tore my rotator cuff and it’s never been the same.
12. Grip not too tight or too loose
Grip on the disc is extremely important. Don’t grip your disc too tight or too loose. Too loose and the disc will slip out of your hands too early. Too tight and the disc will hang on too long and hook around completely screwing up your shot. You want to be holding the disc right in the middle. Not too tight or too loose, but just right. Work on this as your grip will essentially determine if you have a good or bad shot. Zach Melton has a good video on grip that I’ve put below.
Link to the video above on YouTube.
13. Slow discs equal more control
Quick thought for you. The slower the speed of a disc is, the more control you have. Think about it.
I Regularly use my Westside Discs Harp putt and approach (link to InfiniteDiscs.com) to play full rounds with. I focus on accuracy, control, and good technique while I play with this disc and it always seems to help.
14. Have a warm up routine before each shot
Having a pre-throw warmup routine can really help you with consistency. If you do the same routine time and time again, you will start getting used to your throws and you will start getting better.
Learn some more
Extra tip: Read The Disc Golf Player’s Manual
This brand new book was written with the intention of helping all disc golfers improve in every aspect of the game. The book was somewhat modeled after this post, but is jam-packed full of a ton of great information. Grab your copy today! Check it out on our book page here.
15. Read The Beginners Guide to Finding Lost Disc Golf Discs
This awesome guide can help you understand what you need to do to avoid losing your discs and can help you find them if they get lost. You can find our guide, “The Beginner’s Guide to Finding Lost Disc Golf Discs,” here.
16. Learn about hyzer and anhyzer throws
Learning the difference between hyzer and anhyzer throws is very important when deciding on how you’re going to approach each hole. We wrote a good reference post to this called, “What’s the Difference Between a Hyzer and an Anhyzer?” That post should help you understand the subject a little bit better.
For an easy video tutorial, you can see check out Merle Witvoet’s video below.
Link to video above on YouTube.
17. Learn about overstable and understable
Understanding the difference between an overstable, stable, and understable discs will help you learn how the disc is meant to fly. It will also help you understand what discs to use at different expertise levels. For example, beginners should only use understable to stable discs because of how the the disc flies at certain speeds. Our Disc Golf Stability Guide should be able to help you understand stability.
You can also check out this simple explanation of Overstable vs. Understable by Best Disc Golf Discs on YouTube in the video below.
18. Learn the innova flight ratings system
Learning this flight ratings system can be a tremendous help when learning how to get better at disc golf. It’s a simple four number system that you can check out at InnovaDiscs.com. You can also read our quick guide on flight ratings called, “What Do the Numbers on a Disc Golf Disc Mean?”
You can learn about each flight rating individually here on our site:
- What is Speed in Disc Golf?
- What is Glide in Disc Golf?
- What is Turn in Disc Golf?
- What is Fade in Disc Golf?
19. Learn basic rules and terminology
Somebody once told me, “learn as much as you can, as soon as you can…that’s how you become successful.” That’s always stuck with me and I decided to apply it to disc golf. Learn all the rules and terminology you can fast so that you can keep up with advanced players as they give quick tips. You can access the Professional Disc Golf Association’s rulebook here. If you’d like to learn disc golf terminology, you can check out our extensive terminology guide here.
Your Discs
20. Don’t use overstable discs at first
Overstable discs are for more advanced players and tend to turn way too quickly. Plus, most are designed to be thrown very fast. If you play with an overstable disc as a beginner, you will begin to develop poor technique to overcompensate for the way the disc curves.
If you’re a newer player, check out our complete list of discs for beginners here: “37 Best Disc Golf Discs For Beginners (You Need These)”
21. Throw discs that feel good to you
Something simple that really progressed my disc golf game was this really simple tip – make sure you’re throwing discs that feel good to you. You should only throw discs that you like to hold and like to throw. I recently just bought an Innova Atlas two-piece disc (link to InfiniteDiscs.com) and I absolutely love how it feels. I still have yet to ace any holes, but I came close to hitting two in a row during my last round. That disc is awesome. You should check it out. You can find it for around 17 bucks on Amazon, Innovadiscs.com, or infinitediscs.com.
22. Throw discs that help you get to the basket
This is yet another really simple tip that I wish I would’ve heard when I first started playing. Make sure you are always throw discs that help you get to the basket. If you throw a disc that consistently turns too much or flies out of bounds, try something different.
23. Play doubles or single doubles
A great way to play with a little less stress is through doubles play or single doubles play. This type of play is also called captain’s choice or best shot. If you’re by yourself, throw two discs. Your next throw is from your best throw. If you’re with someone else, both of you throw. Whatever throw was better determines where you both throw next.
Check out our complete doubles guide here.
Mainediscgolf.com has also has a quick guide to doubles play that you can read here on their website.
24. Only play with bright colored or unnatural colored discs
Hopefully, you’ve been able to read, “The Beginner’s Guide to Finding Lost Disc Golf Discs.” If you haven’t, here’s a quick takeaway – do not use natural, earth-colored discs when you play. Only use unnatural colors (like pink and orange for example) so that your discs are easy to find.
25. Use floating discs for water holes
If you don’t have a floating disc, get one. My Innova Dragon is freaking awesome as a drive plus it floats. Check out the current price here on Discgolfunited.com.
26. Have a throwaway disc for those ridiculous holes
Ever seen a hole with tall brush to the right, woods to the left, water before the basket, and a swamp behind it? I’m sure everybody has seen something similar. But for holes like this, you need a couple throwaway discs just in case you lose a disc. Grab a cheap DX disc like this Leopard here on Discgolfunited.com to throw in your bag for crazy holes.
27. The rule of six (discs)
Everybody hates losing discs, but it inevitably happens. So, out on the course, I have a rule. I carry at least six discs at all times (two drivers, two mid-range, and two putters). I do this so that I’ll always have a backup disc if I lose one.
28. Always mark your discs
Please make sure that you always mark your discs before you play with them. You need to put at least your first name and a phone number on each disc so that someone can reach you if it gets lost. I’ve found three discs this year with no names and am happy to say I have three new discs in my bag. If they had names I would’ve returned them. I’ve also returned three discs this year with names and numbers on them. So mark them. It’s always your favorite disc that ends up getting lost. Get some sharpies here and keep them in your bag.
Your Bag (and all your gear)
29. Get a disc golf bag to help you organize
First off, you don’t need a disc golf bag. It’s not a mandatory thing required to play like discs. But a disc golf bag can be a really awesome convenience for you on the course. If you want to go cheap, you can either use a backpack or a backsack to hold your discs. That gets super annoying so I suggest getting something relatively inexpensive and good quality. I found that in the the Dynamic Discs Trooper Backpack (here on Amazon). It was $40 bucks, it holds almost 20 discs, and it has multiple extra pockets for snacks, drinks, keys, phones, and anything else you may need. I highly recommend it.
You can also check out all of my disc golf bag recommendations here.
30. Make sure your bag is stocked
Whenever you go out on the disc golf course, you need a few essential items and some things that can help you on the course. Things like your discs (duh), drinks, snacks, sunscreen, sharpies (to mark those aces), and many other items. If you’d like to check out a good post on building your bag, check out, “How to Build the Ultimate Disc Golf Bag.”
31. Take a lot of water
Even when it’s cold out, I still carry a good amount of water. You need it so that you don’t become dehydrated. You especially need it when it starts getting hot outside. Check out our post on, “How to Play Disc Golf in the Heat,” for a good bit on why water is needed in disc golf. So drink up!
32. Carry your bag, an extra bag, or some discs in your car for quick rounds
Taking your game to the next level is no easy feat, but one way to do so is to keep extra discs with you or in your car at all times. Maybe not your best discs, so that they don’t melt in heat, but just some discs you can throw if you ever find yourself with 30 minutes of free time near a disc golf course (lunch break?). Why not grab a cheap starter set to keep in your car?
33. Take care of your discs
This is a little tougher, especially with pesky trees always in the way to scuff up discs. I just wrecked my beloved Dynamic Discs Sheriff on one yesterday and it has a nice big scratch in it now. I’m not saying sit there and polish your discs. Just make sure every once in a while that you take a rag and some water and clean the mud, dirt, and grime off. Take pride in your disc collection.
34. Buy a good pair of shoes
Whether you’re playing disc golf or any other type of sport, you need a good pair of shoes to get you through. I’d say get whatever is most comfortable and will help you not slip out on the course. I’m a fan of New Balance tennis shoes and Merrell sport hiking shoes. The hiking shoes provide the most grip, but any good pair of tennis shoes or outdoors shoes is fine.
Check out our disc golf shoe recommendations here
35. Cold towels and heat packs
We all play disc golf through the heat and through the cold so make sure to be prepared for the weather. Why limit yourself to just moderate temperatures. I know I don’t. To combat the weather extremes of your area, try buy a couple cooling towels or heat packs. Hot hands (the small heat packs) are a staple in my life (link to Amazon), through winter parades, sports, and other outdoor activities. You can find really good deals on Amazon. Cooling towels are really awesome, too. You can find them pretty cheap on Amazon as well.
36. Invest in miscellaneous needs
Okay, so you don’t need anything more than some discs in order to play. But let’s be honest, once you get addicted to disc golf, you’ll need some extra stuff to improve different parts of your game. The following links will take you to Amazon so that you can grab a few of these items.
- The Dynamic Discs disc golden retriever. This is a simple disc retriever that can grab your disc out of the water.
- Sunscreen for those blazing hot days
- Bug spray for bugs and ticks
- Birdie bag for dry hands
- Disc golf towel to help dry off hands and discs
- Baseball/hockey puck for knocking discs out of trees.
Disc golfer Kona Panis has a quick video on a couple of things that she keeps in her bag. Check them out here on her YouTube channel. You can also check out our post, “How to Build the Ultimate Disc Golf Bag,” for more information.
37. Invest in better discs
Whenever you start to see improvement, start buying some better plastic. The starter kits work for your first 10-20 beginner rounds, but soon you’ll need some better gear.
- The Dynamic Discs Sheriff is amazing for those who still have a lot to learn.
- The Innova Atlas is a fantastic mid-range that almost got me 3 aces in my first two rounds with it (just missed).
- The Westside Discs Harp is a great putt and approach disc that will help you nail those putts.
38. Get a disc golf cart
You can buy one or build one. Once you start crushing some rounds, start thinking about a pull behind cart that holds your discs. It’s easy to manage and can help you conserve much needed energy for your round.
Check out Amazon.com’s selection of disc golf carts here on their site.
Unorthodox Improvement
39. Watch professional disc golf on YouTube
Just playing rounds will not make you an elite player. That starts with checking out the best on YouTube. You can watch the latest and greatest compete all over the world, all while chillin’ at home. This level of competition can get you to really think about how you play and where you want to take this new hobby. Click here to watch Jomez Productions, Youtube’s leading disc golf coverage provider.
You can also check out the following channels on YouTube for pro disc golf round coverage:
40. Go to a professional disc golf tournament
If you haven’t ever been to a professional or semi-professional disc golf tournament, now is the time to check one out. It’s a very different atmosphere as pros battle for trophies and cash. You can also get some crazy good deals from disc manufacturers and maybe even a free disc or two.
Check out the 2023 PDGA National Tour Schedule here on Discgolf.ultiworld.com.
41. Record yourself
Back in my high school sports heyday, I played a very competitive level of baseball and recording myself always helped me look at little mistakes to see where I could get better. I do this pretty regularly now with disc golf and I always try to fix flaws (which there are a lot of). You can take these recordings and watch them or place them on social media to get feedback from other disc golfers.
42. Teach others about what you learned
I’ve always heard that if you teach others about something, you learn whatever it is even better. That’s why I created this site. Not only do I want to help others get better at disc golf, but I want to help myself learn every bit of this game so that I improve. To put all of this into perspective – I have played disc golf for a few years now. The last two years or so with this site writing posts and teaching has doubled or maybe tripled my disc golf knowledge.
43. Have a friend evaluate you
Having someone watch you and observe what you’re doing good and bad is a great way to learn how to improve. Me and one of my good friends always subconsciously do this to each other when we play. We don’t do it to be mean, but to help each other watch out for what not to do.
44. Join a local disc golf club
Joining up with the local club can help you meet new people and improve your game. Just type, “disc golf club (insert your city and state),” and you should be able to get information on one or two clubs in your area.
45. Watch better players play at the local course
This kind of goes hand in hand with joining a local club or checking out a pro tournament or two. Ask a few good players if you can tag along and get some tips during your round. You might even make some new friends while you play.
46. Enter and play a local tournament to test what you’ve learned
I know some of you may be like, “I don’t want to play in front of other people! I’ve got stage fright!” I know, I don’t really like it either. But if you really want to get better, and make this thing more of a lifestyle than a hobby, you have to enter and get experience in some tournaments. This is a big step in the improvement process.
47. Think about how you’ve been playing and evaluate yourself and your game
After your next round, while you’re driving or relaxing at the house, sit for a few minutes and ponder about your last round…and the few before that one. How did you play? What do you need to improve on? How can you get better? Just think. This always helps me.
48. Have a goal in mind
No matter what you plan on doing in the disc golf world, always try to have some kind of goal in mind. I’ve got a 24 month goal to thoroughly learn this sport, grow my website, and possibly build a disc golf business in the future. I would love to go pro, but that takes a ton of time and effort that I’m not sure if I want to put into the sport yet. But make sure you think about what you want and make a plan of action for yourself. Set specific short term goals and long term goals for best results.
Check out our goals post, “11 Powerful Reasons Why Goals Are Important in Disc Golf.”
49. Pay for personal coaching
One great way to improve your disc golf game is to pay someone better than you to teach you the game. While I don’t recommend this at first, if you’re truly serious about the game, this is a very viable option. Disc golf pros don’t make huge salaries, so I’m sure you could talk a lesser-known pro player into teaching you for a decent hourly wage.
50. Attend a disc golf clinic
Search your local courses and hit up google to search for clinics near you. There are also hundreds of clinics on YouTube that you can watch. The wealth of knowledge is great, but make sure you put all of that into action so that you can improve.
Out on the Course
51. Try out other throws – thumber, hammer, forehand, and rollers
Taking your game to the next level includes learning new throws. Everyone knows the backhand. Most players even know the forehand. But there are other throws like thumbers, hammers, and rollers that allow you to elevate your game.
Check out this post I wrote on how to throw Tomahawks and other Overhand throws.
Thumbers are thrown overhead with you thumb underneath the disc’s rim. A hammer is thrown the same way with your index finger underneath the disc’s rim. A roller is a disc that turns quickly and begins to roll as it hits the ground. A roller generally uses the roll for the majority of the shot’s distance. For other shot types, check out our glossary of terms here on our website.
52. If other throws don’t work at first, try again
You won’t ever perfect any of those previous shots in one round. It’s impossible. So don’t give up on those shots. I learned to love thumbers after I started and still have trouble with my forehand. But I haven’t given up on learning those shots. Every shot and every round gives me an opportunity to get better.
53. Keep your throws low (90% of the time)
Unless you’re specifically trying to throw a shot like a tall curving hyzer, hammer, or thumber, make sure to keep you’re throws somewhat low so that that they don’t catch too much wind.
54. Use good hip rotation
One way to gain power on your shots is to exercise good hip rotation. If you watch any of the pros, you will see that they all use good hip rotation to crush their shots. This tip and the next 3 are all looking more into using good technique. You can check out our technique post here.
55. Look away from your line of sight
Once you rotate away from your line of sight, continue rotation by looking down and away even further. This allows you to fully rotate your hips so that you can get full power on your throws.
56. Lead with your elbow
After your rotation make sure you lead with your elbow into the throw. This will help you make sure everything is straight like you want it.
57. Strong step
After your rotation, use your lead foot to plant a strong step toward the basket. That foot allows you to keep yourself stable until you release your disc.
58. Disc placement
Now that you’re getting better, if you really want to take your game up a notch, this tip is crucial. You have to start thinking about disc placement at every single shot. With that being said, you have to assess every shot and find where you want the disc to land. What line of sight will get you there? Is it better to play it safe or do you have a chance at a riskier shot? What shot will you use to perfect your line of sight? It’s a lot to think about, but you have to know where to place the disc if you want to get better.
59. Always think about your situation and strategize
This tip furthers the last tip. Not only do you need to think about disc placement, but about your strategy for the entire hole and the entire round. Line of sight is important. So is how exactly you’re going to get through trees, over a swamp, and laid up next to the basket for a birdie. You need to think hard about every factor of your current hole and then build a strategy for your round.
60. Don’t think about the trees or obstructions
If you do this one thing, you will improve your disc golf game in the woods 100% percent. Don’t worry about the trees. Just stop thinking about them. They don’t go away and you will hit them, so just play. Ever since I started doing that, my game has gotten a lot better in the woods. Yours will improve, too.
Here’s a good post that I wrote on playing through tough trees and other wooded courses.
If you’d like to see a really tough wooded course, check out this video on the front 9 from the 2018 Idlewild Open at the Idlewild Disc Golf Course in Burlington, Kentucky.
Link to the video above on YouTube.
61. Don’t worry about creepy crawlies
Just like with my tip about the trees, don’t worry about creepy crawlies while you’re playing. I’m kind of a hypocrite because I always try to avoid spiders. I hate running through webs. But the crazy thing is that I always think about spiders and I run into them multiple times per round. I never think about snakes and I very rarely see them.
62. If you’re doing bad, just relax or quit for the day
Sometimes you can’t quit playing, because you may be in a tournament or a serious round with friends. If this is the case, and your score sucks, just try to relax a little bit. Take a breather for a few minutes and drink some water. Eat a snack if you need to and get focused to keep playing. If it’s a light day and you can do so, just quit for the day. Every once in a while I need to just stop playing and head home. It’s only happened a couple of times to me but it’s very frustrating. I know how you feel, but just call it a day and try coming back fresh tomorrow.
63. Disc down
Sometimes, to improve, you need to disc down. This means putting the driver back in you bag and pulling out a mid-range or even less to help you get more accurate. A couple of great mid-range discs to play with include the Innova Atlas, the Discraft Buzzz SS, and the Dynamic Discs Evidence. You can find all of those on InfiniteDiscs.com.
Check out the posts below to find a few disc down discs for your bag:
64. Play with just a putter
Sometimes I will use a mid-range putter to practice with. It never gets you a lot of distance, but it can help you work on your accuracy for when you move back up to mid-range or driver. I use the Westside Discs Harp (link to InfiniteDiscs.com) to play my putter rounds. It’s a solid mid-range putter that flies really straight. Again, check out the putter post in the tip above.
65. Don’t sacrifice your par
This is a simple concept and I can’t stress it enough. When you’re playing, whether you are approaching the basket or putting from 60 feet out, don’t sacrifice your par. It may be ego or whatever, but if the shot is too intense, just lay the shot up near the basket. That way you can smash the par and move on.
Mental Game
66. Don’t rush yourself
This is critically important! This applies most for putting, but in all of your shots, don’t rush to throw. Rushing will only get you into situations that you don’t want to be in. Take a few breaths, see where you want the disc to go, then throw.
67. Focus
Focus on what you want and where the disc needs to go. Sometimes people call this tunnel vision. Cut out all of the distraction around you and do your best to crush your next throw.
68. Be confident
You can’t play everything perfect, but take pride in your ability to keep improving. Focus on your best shots and be confident that you can make tough shots through trees and other obstacles.
69. Positive mindset
I’m all about the positive mindset. That’s me everyday. But it helps on the disc golf course. Think about how good you’ve done and your best shots so far. Try to think, “yes, I can make that shot,” or, “I’ve got this,” and you will be fine.
Physical Game
70. Use your whole body when you play
Disc golf isn’t just about tossing a disc with you arm. It involves every part of your body including your head, neck, shoulders, arms, core, legs, and feet. I know it seems kind of crazy to think about, but if you watch the pros, you will see how to really use your whole body to play.
71. Become more physically flexible
You don’t have to know how to do the splits, but for those shots where you really need to step out to throw it around a tree, you have to be somewhat flexible. Click here to check out a great article for becoming more flexible called, “The 21 Best Stretching Exercises for Better Flexibility.” You can also check out our post dedicated to helping you stretch and become more flexible in disc golf, “The 17 Best Disc Golf Stretches to Improve Your Game.”
72. Exercise and build your strength
Disc golf itself is a great workout (as long as you don’t sit down at every hole). You should also strive to get into shape so that you can get better at disc golf. Hit the gym a couple times a week so that you can build your strength and your stamina. For an awesome disc golf workout, check out our post, “The 12 Best Disc Golf Exercises to Keep You Fit.” That post can really help you start crushing it on the course. If you want to build your core strength, check out, “The Only Disc Golf Core Workout You’ll Ever Need,” here on our site.
73. Make sure you rest
I’m a huge advocate for rest after a workout. I know all too well that you can injure your body if you don’t rest. Even if you only played 9 holes, go home and ice your arm, drink a protein shake, and relax for a few hours. Then be sure to get a decent amount of sleep. Sleep is where your body will recover the most. So shoot for at least 6 hours or more per night.
74. Take care of your body in every way
If you’re not healthy, you won’t be able to play. It’s as simple as that. Make sure you are taking all the necessary measures to heal and recover after you workout or play. My post called, “The 11 Step Plan to Recover After a Disc Golf Workout,” is the absolute best resource in learning how to take care of yourself while you play disc golf. That post shows how you can help your body recover is a variety of ways including sleeping, eating, and hydrating. Also, This article by Pro Disc Golfer Avery Jenkins, called, “Training for Disc Golf,” shows the entire workout and recovery process for a disc golfer.
75. Drink lots of water
I’ve already talked about how important water is on the disc golf course, but it’s even more important to drink off the course. Proper hydration can help you body in a ton of different ways including the most important – healing. Again, make sure to drink up.
Our post, “7 Ways Drinking Water Will Improve Your Disc Golf Game,” can show you exactly why water and hydration is important.
Cheap Fun
76. Take your significant other to the course
A great way to spend time with your significant other (and of course improve your own game) is to hit the course with them. It’s fun, cheap, and an easy way to get a little bit of practice in. Who knows, maybe your significant other will start liking the game as much as you do!
77. Take your friends and family to the course
Just like the last tip, you should try taking your friends and family to the course. If they’re anything like you, they may start liking disc golf a lot. Taking friends and family allows you to get some practice and help grow the sport for everybody else.
Etiquette and Weather
78. Always obey park rules
As disc golf players, we get to play at parks for free. Don’t mess that up by getting yourself banned from the local disc golf park. Obey the rules so everyone can have fun and keep enjoying free disc golf!
79. Use good course etiquette
Always be respectful to others on the disc golf course. Etiquette is your behavior, which should be taken into account while playing. You can have as much fun as you want, but make sure you keep the noise down a little bit and don’t interfere with others trying to improve. Our post, “The Complete 27 Step Guide to Disc Golf Etiquette,” can help you with anything you need to know.
80. Disc karma – always return found discs (if you can)
I am a prime example of disc karma. It is real. I’ve always been one that believes in giving discs back, or at least trying to get ahold of the owner so that they can come and get it.
One of the best examples I have is from a little while back. I found someone’s Discraft Thrasher and hit them up. It turned out to have been his favorite disc. I mailed it to him. He got it and was happy to have it back. I wasn’t worried about reimbursement. A week later, I found a brand new Big Z Discraft Thrasher just sitting by one of the baskets at my local course. There was no name on it, so I happily added it to my collection. I’ve also found a couple of other discs this year that I returned. Those returns have all been followed by me finding another disc with no name.
For more on returning lost discs, check out our post, “Should I Return a Lost Disc Golf Disc?”
81. Always check the weather before rounds
Checking the weather can help you not get stuck out in a hurricane. Or it can help you bring an umbrella in case it does rain. If it does start raining, check out our post, “How to Play Disc Golf in the Rain.”
82. Always know the direction of the wind
Understanding the direction of the wind will help you know exactly what discs you need to use and when. For a great in-depth guide on the subject, check out our post, “Mastering Disc Golf in the Wind: A Beginner’s Guide.”
83. Practice in the wind/inclement weather to get better and be prepared
If you were able to read our last post about mastering disc golf in the wind, one of the things I mentioned was that playing in bad weather can help you get better. Playing in poor conditions can help you crush your rounds because of how smarty and careful you have to play.
A Couple of Drills
84. Drill #1 – long game
A great drill to improve your long game involves finding a full-length football field. Head out to the 50 or 60 yard line and look out toward the field goal post. The idea of this practice is to try and get your discs straight through the two posts. Once you start nailing your shots from 50 yards, go to 60 yards. After 60 yards, go to 70 yards. Once you can nail your shots from 100 yards out (300 feet to a disc golfer), you’re ready to play more competitively.
85. Drill #2 – short game
This is a great drill for putting. You and a friend stand about 10 feet from the basket. You both have a disc. Both of you putt. If you all make it, move back another five feet and putt again. If you continue to make it, keep moving back five feet. The first one to miss their putt loses. You can also do this with two discs and as long as you make at least one you can move back. This is a very fun game to play as well.
For a huge and awesome post on drills, check out our post, “The 50 Best Disc Golf Drills to Change Your Game Forever.”
86. Work on your short game A LOT
The more you practice your putting, the better you’ll get. Simple enough.
87. Buy a real basket for practice
Why not grab a real basket for some backyard practice? There are about 10 different cheap options, but the best and most mobile basket is the Innova DISCatcher Traveler Target (link to Amazon).
I’ve got 2 great posts that stress the importance of buying a personal basket. Check them out below:
88. The Putting “Handshake”
One of the best tips for putting is to try to putt as straight as you can with your hand ending up in a “handshake.”
89. Putt with the right stance
You can either put with both feet side by side (inline stance) or one foot in front of the other (offset stance). Whatever you do, make sure you love the way you putt.
90. Choose putting style
Whether you push the disc toward the basket or focus on spinning it, make sure you pick the way you want to putt. For more putting info, check out our post, “The 12 Best Disc Golf Putting Tips for Beginners.”
Just a Few More Ways to Learn the Game
91. Ask questions
If you want to learn more about disc golf, don’t be afraid to ask questions. There are those of us that will always teach and many more who definitely want to help answer any questions you have.
92. Find a mentor
To continue your learning and take your game to the next level, find a mentor that has some experience with the game. Mentors are one of the best ways to really improve and start to master the game like you want to.
Our post, “7 Reasons Why You Need a Mentor in Disc Golf,” should help you out with this.
93. Double check stuff online
Be weary about everything you hear. Most people only try to help, but there are some that are “know-it-alls,” even if they don’t know everything. Any fact or rule that you are unsure about can be checked online by searching google, PDGA.com or DiscgolfNOW.com.
94. Join community forums
Community forums are a really cool way to link up with local players, learn rules more in-depth, and ask questions you may want answers on in more detail. Discgolfcoursereview.com and reddit.com’s disc golf forum has a great online forum presence.
95. Hit up the local sporting goods store or disc golf store for deals
Dicks Sporting Goods, Academy Sports, and Play it Again Sports are my favorite places to find discs outside of the internet. If you have any of those nearby, check them out.
96. Get on email lists for Innova Discs, Infinite Discs, and other disc golf sites for good deals
Those first two sites, as well as like 20 other disc golf sites, have email lists where they constantly send out deals for discs and other gear.
97. Subscribe to disc golf blogs
Disc golf blogs like DGputtheads.com and Mindbodydisc.com are great blogs to follow if you want to learn more about disc golf.
98. Use DiscgolfNOW.com for all of your resources
Don’t forget to keep checking out DiscgolfNOW.com for anything and everything disc golf.
99. Always continue learning
This is something that I personally always do in my life. Continuous learning in everything is a must, but if you are serious about the game of disc golf, you have to keep learning – every round and even every day. Discgolfnow.com is dedicated to helping you learn the game so keep an eye out for new posts!
100. Play how you want to
I know you want to learn, but make sure you play the game how you want to. Throw extra discs and forget the score if you want to. Take mulligans and rethrow if that’s how you get better. Whatever you do, do not take the last tip for granted…
101. Don’t forget to have fun
Through all of the practice, trees, hundreds of rounds, and tons of B.S., don’t forget to have fun when you play. This is the key so you don’t burn out and start hating the game. Make sure that, no matter what, you keep a little bit of fun in every round you play.
You’ve done it! Great job
Whew, that’s a lot of stuff! We just went through 101 of the best disc golf tips in the game today. Everything from putting, to course etiquette to where you should look for more disc golf education. If you’ve stuck with this article through all 101 tips, you really must be serious about wanting to get better. Excellent, because I am, too. I’m glad you’ve been able to tackle and digest some of this information. But now it’s time, again, to take all of your knowledge to the course. So get out there and throw!
Related Content
check out more of our awesome related content below!
Disc Golf 101: A Step by Step Beginner’s Guide
How to Play Disc Golf in the Heat
Here’s Why Disc Golf is Better Than Ball Golf
Mastering Disc Golf in the Wind: A Beginner’s Guide
The Beginner’s Guide to Finding Lost Disc Golf Discs
Don’t forget about the book!
If you’re looking to really step your game up, check out the best ebook on the planet – The Disc Golf Player’s Manual. This 200+ plus page guide can help you learn the game, find the right equipment, and give you the tips that you need to be successful on the disc golf course. For more, check it out here on my site!