11 Best Disc Golf Discs for Backhand Throwers in 2024: The Backhand Champ is…

The backhand disc golf throw is tough. It’s one of the first throws you’ll learn when starting out in disc golf yet can take years to truly master the technique. So today I’ve brought you the best disc golf discs for backhand throwers. Discs that will help you improve your backhand game.

As you start learning the game, your backhand will improve and you’ll gain the confidence necessary to become a really good disc golfer. But it takes time, patience, practice, and using the right discs in the right situations.

Now I’m not the best backhand thrower, but over the last few years, I’ve developed my backhand nicely and today I’m going to go over a couple of the discs that have helped me get there.

This post is also simply a few things that I’ve picked up along the way including:

• What exactly is disc golf backhand
• What I believe makes a good backhand disc
• A few tips on how I’m improving my personal backhand
• A few of my favorite backhand discs
• A couple of the best backhand discs in the #discgolfcommunity ranked by popularity
• Some thoughts to consider

Lastly, I’m going to give my #1 overall pick for backhand discs but I’m also going to give a couple of disc recommendations for advanced, intermediate, and beginner players when it comes to the backhand. Alright, so with all that being said, let’s get started!

First of all, what is disc golf backhand?

The disc golf backhand is a type of grip and a throw in which the back of the player faces the basket and the player’s throwing arm reaches back toward the opposite side of the body before swinging outward away from the body for the throw.

The backhand is the most common type of throw in disc golf and is similar to what most people would know as just tossing a frisbee back and forth to one another.

What makes a good backhand disc?

Beginners – low speed, high glide, understable discs

When first starting out, beginners can’t throw tough discs so you’re looking for discs with a low speed rating, a high glide rating, and easy-to-throw, understable discs (higher turn and lower fade). Discs with a low speed rating don’t have to be thrown very hard. A high glide rating helps discs stay in the air longer. Understable discs help newer players to keep their discs straighter for just a little bit longer before they inevitably turn a certain way and fall to the ground. Those are what you’re looking for at first.

If you would like to learn more about disc golf flight ratings, including speed, glide, turn, and fade, check out my post, “What Do the Numbers on a Disc Golf Disc Mean?”

I also wrote a really awesome post that explains disc golf stability, including the difference between understable, stable, and overstable. You can read, “The Complete Disc Golf Stability Guide,” here on the site.

Intermediate to advanced – higher speed, overstable discs

These discs are designed for advanced players who can throw the discs hard and accurately. I won’t go into too much explanation of advanced discs here. If you’re a good player, you already know what you need. If you’re a newer player, stick to the
low speed, high glide, understable options made for newer players.

Your need for the disc

I would stongly encourage you to look at your skill level before buying a disc for your bag. After that, start looking into your specific need for the disc. Every disc golfer needs a certain selection of discs in their bag to address varying shot types and throws like hyzers and anhyzers, tunnel shots (completely straight shots), and roller shots.

You also need discs for putting, mid-range shots, control shots and drives, and distance drives once you get to that level. Buy your discs based on those needs. If you’re unsure about how to build a disc golf bag, check out my post here, “How to Build the Ultimate Disc Golf Bag Pt. 2: Discs.”

The thrower, his opinion, and his play

But really, there is no specific criteria for backhand discs. It doesn’t have to be a certain speed, glide, turn, or fade rating in order for it to be a good backhand disc. I always suggest looking at skill level level and disc need first when buying new discs, but it’s really up to you. Your opinion matters on this one. Pick discs that you like to throw and that you believe you play well with. If someone suggests a disc and you don’t like how it feels and/or you don’t play well with it, don’t keep using it. Find discs that you like AND that you play well with. That could be any disc, really. 

How to improve your disc golf backhand

Like I’ve already said – I’m not the best player in the game, but I can hold my own on the course. Over the last few years, I’ve gotten better and I’ve used a few different practice methods to help me get better at the backhand. Here’s how I’ve done it:

1. Field work, net practice, and repetition: if you read any of my tips posts on this site, I’m gonna tell you to practice and practice a lot. But you’re never gonna be a great backhand thrower if you don’t get into a field and practice A LOT. You can also get a practice net like I did (grab this one here on Amazon). Also, check out my ultimate guide to disc golf field work here on the site.

I would also start with shorter approach shots and work your way up into bigger, longer shots and drives. Do all of this over and over and over again until it becomes second nature in your game. You will steadily improve.

2. Drills: I absolutely love drills. Ever since I was a little kid playing tee-ball baseball, I’ve used drills to improve in sports. That didn’t change when I got into disc golf. I found the best drills and used them to my advantage. In fact, I even created a drills resource for other players. You can check that out here: “The 50 Best Disc Golf Drills to Change Your Game Forever.”

3. Technique: obviously technique is important, too. I would work on learning technique first before you really start trying to get major distance on your backhand throws. Because technique can make or break you as an above average or competitive player. For more on technique, check out my post, “7 Steps to the Best Disc Golf Technique and a Perfect Throw.” This should help you understand and really learn how to throw backhand correctly.

For more, check out our best backhand tips post OR watch the pros

If you’re really trying to step up your backhand game, check out, “The 17 Best Disc Golf Bachand Tips: Grips, Techniques, and More!”

OR Just simply watching the pros or better players give tips on their backhand game was a huge benefit to my own personal backhand game. Check out the videos below ⬇️.

Top 5 Tips for a Better Backhand – Dynamic Discs featuring Danny Lindahl

Link to video on YouTube.

Eric Oakley Disc Golf Clinic – Dynamic Discs

Link to video on YouTube.

How to Throw a Backhand with Paige Pierce (World Champion) – Brodie Smith

Link to video on YouTube.

The 11 best disc golf discs for backhand throwers

Advanced players

My #1 pick: Innova Destroyer – Distance Driver (12, 5, -1, 3)Best disc golf distance drivers 2021

The Destroyer is one of the most popular discs of all-time and is the…ahem…destroyer of backhand shots. This disc is absolutely fantastic for a variety of situations on the course including tackling headwinds, huge hyzer drives, and extremely long distance backhand throws. Grab one here on Discgolfunited.com.

2. Innova Teebird – Control Driver (7, 5, 0, 2)Best disc golf discs for backhands

The Teebird is another extremely popular disc in the #discgolfcommunity and a perfect control driving complement to any other awesome distance driver you choose to bag. This disc is reliable, controllable, and very consistent. Grab one for your backhands here on Discgolfunited.com.

3. Dynamic Discs EMac Truth – Midrange (5, 5, 0, 2)Best overstable midrange

The EMac Truth is an absolutely awesome mid-range disc. This disc was actually given to me by my buddy Hunter because he thought it felt like the Westside Discs Harp mid-range putter. He was right. I love the EMac Truth. It’s easy to hold and easy to throw. It’s a bit more overstable than the regular Truth, but to me, it flies much better. Beginners will like the regular Truth better. But intermediate and advanced players can let the EMac Truth rip and it will crush almost any backhand approach line for you. Grab an Emac Truth here on InfiniteDiscs.com.

4. Discraft Luna – Putt and Approach (3, 3, 0, 3)Best disc golf putters for beginners

I didn’t even think about the Luna as an approach disc until I saw Paul McBeth crush a 450 foot drive with his Luna putter! This is a backhand driving putter if there ever was one. Grab one here on InfiniteDiscs.com.

You can also check out Paul’s epic drive below ⬇️.

Link to video on YouTube.

Intermediate players

5. Infinite Discs Pharaoh – Distance Driver (13, 6, -1, 2)Best disc golf discs

I’m a huge fan of the Pharaoh. It was the first Infinite disc that I grabbed once they started getting their own line of discs produced by Innova and it hasn’t let me down yet. This phenominal backhand disc requires quite a bit of power to get up to speed but can really grab some good distance with its 6 glide rating. I would compare this to the Dynamic Discs Sheriff if I had to compare it. If you don’t have a Pharaoh, get one here on InfiniteDiscs.com.

6. Latitude 64 Saint – Control Driver (9, 7, -2, 2)Build disc golf bag

The Saint is a highly underrated control driver that flies nicely on the backhand. Grab one here on InfiniteDiscs.com.

7. Innova Roc3 – Midrange (5, 4, 0, 3)Best disc golf discs

The Roc3 is another excellent mid-range for intermediate to advanced players. It’s fairly overstable, but I put it in the intermediately players category because I believe that most intermediate players can handle this disc pretty well. It doesn’t require a lot of power to get this disc up to speed and the overstability doesn’t overpower your throw. It will give you a nice little ending fade on your backhand, though, so account for that. Grab one here on Discgolfunited.com.

8. Axiom Envy – Putt and Approach (3, 3, 0, 2)Best disc golf discs

The Envy is an awesome disc from Axiom and a great intermediate backhand putt and approach companion for your bag. This disc is somewhat overstable but is fairly easy to control. I’d call it a more overstable Buzzz in a double mold. But that’s just me. Overall this is a great disc that you can grab here on InfiniteDiscs.com if you’d like to try out.

Beginner players

9. Innova Leopard – Control Driver (6, 5, -2, 1)best disc golf disc for beginners

The Leopard is a fantastic control driver for newer players looking to step up their driving game. To me, it’s the perfect starter driver with flight ratings of 6, 5, -2, 1. It’s actually a very controllable disc for any skill level but newer players looking to make the jump to drivers will benefit the most. Get yours here on Discgolfunited.com.

10. Discraft Buzzz – Midrange (5, 4, -1, 1)best disc golf disc for beginners

I’ve written about the Buzzz many times so far on my site. Why? Well, because it’s just an awesome disc golf disc. But also because the Buzzz is good for so many different skill levels of players, throws, and situations that it’s really difficult to leave off of a best discs list. For any skill level of player, especially beginners, the Buzzz is an exceptionally reliable backhand disc that can stay on any line you choose. If you don’t have one, definitely get one here on InfiniteDiscs.com.

11. Dynamic Discs Judge – Putt and Approach (2, 4, 0, 1)best disc golf disc for beginners

I love the Judge. The Judge is one of the best putt and approach discs for brand new players and is an awesome backhand approach disc. But don’t just take my word for it…grab one here on InfiniteDiscs.com and try it out for yourself!

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Don’t forget about the book!

You can also grab a copy of our book, “The Disc Golf Player’s Manual,” here on the site. It’s packed full of extremely practical tips and tricks to help you immediately start improving on the course!


I am an avid disc golfer and lover of the sport. My mission with DiscgolfNOW.com is to reach as many people as possible to help them love disc golf, too!

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