The 7 Best Disc Golf Mid-Range Discs of 2024!

Welcome to the new year! New year, new discs. It’s time to start looking for some plastic to restock your bag and start upping your game again. So I’m glad you’ve found this post. In it, I’ve come back to the classics this year. Newly minted plastic is great, but sometimes you need a few classic discs that have stood the test of time. Discs that players have raved about for years. That’s what I’ve got on this list. So let’s check out the 7 best disc golf mid-range discs of 2024!

The 7 Best Disc Golf Mid-Range Discs of 2024!

1. Discraft BuzzzBest disc golf mid range discs

Every year, I make a best mid-range discs list or a best disc golf discs list. And every year, the Buzzz is usually the one on top. Why? Well, because it’s one of the best disc golf discs ever made, in my opinion. Overall, this is a true “multi-tool” of a disc golf disc. No matter what your skill level is, you’ll love this disc. It’s great for almost any type of shot and all skill levels will find the Buzzz highly versatile.

If you need a disc that can hit any line, this is it. Grab one here on

2. Innova Mako3 Best disc golf mid range discs

The Mako3 is another extremely popular mid-range disc. With flight ratings of 5, 5, 0, 0, it’s probably the straightest-flying disc on this list. It’s a little faster than the original Mako, but that only makes this disc better and seems to help with more distance. With almost no turn or fade, you can trust this disc, like the Buzzz, in just about any situation you’re in out on the course. And if it weren’t for the hype and notoriety around the Buzzz, with continued rave reviews about it for years, the Mako3 would be my first choice. Absolutely great disc and a perfect choice if you didn’t want a Buzzz in your bag.

If that’s you, grab a Mako3 here on

3. Dynamic Discs EMac Truth Best disc golf mid-range

The Truth is a really fun mid-range disc and one that I’ve loved playing with for a long time now. With flight ratings of 5, 5, 0, 2, this disc is mostly straight-flying, with subtle fade at the end. It usually holds lines fairly well and gives you a predictable ending hook to help precisely aim for the basket. The awesome glide also helps with that.

For a great mid-range, grab an EMac Truth here on

4. Innova Roc3 Best disc golf discs

The Roc3, like the Mako3, has been insanely popular for years now. But the Roc3 offers much more stability. The Roc3 is just a bit faster than the original Roc, but the speed can help set it apart distance-wise from the original if thrown hard enough. Compared to the Mako3, the Roc3 is much more overstable and will always give you a pretty decent ending fade once the disc starts slowing down.

If you need an overstable mid-range, the Roc3 is that disc. Grab one here on

5. Dynamic Discs Verdict Best dynamic discs disc golf dis

If you’re looking for a very overstable mid-range, but you’re not a fan of the Roc or Roc3, then look no further. Your answer is the Dynamic Discs Verdict – an incredible, very overstable mid-range disc that’s fairly easy to throw, decently forgiving, and predictable with its fade. The Verdict boasts flight ratings of 5, 4, 0, 3, which match up well with the flight of this disc.

If you want a disc that flies just as the flight ratings say it should, grab a Verdict here on

6. MVP Reactorbest disc golf mid range discs 2024

After MVP discontinued several molds, the Reactor was one of the first molds off the MVP plastic line. And boy was it a hit. So far, the Reactor has seen a ton of high praise, but not as much hype as a new disc should’ve gotten. With flight ratings of 5, 5, -0.5, 1.5, this disc is just slightly more overstable than a Buzzz or a Mako3, but less than an EMac Truth. So this can be a great addition to your bag if you’re a fan of any of those discs listed above!

For more on the MVP Reactor, check it out here on

7. Latitude 64 Compass best disc golf mid range discs 2024

Last but not least comes the Latitude 64 Compass – a highly-versatile mid-range with flight ratings of 5, 5, 0, 1. Similar to most of the other discs on this list and yet another great disc that flies exactly like you’d want it to. The Compass has the ability to follow just about any line and hold any angle of flight. Highly underrated disc golf mid-range.

If you need a straight flier, this disc is it. Grab one here on


So that’s about it. If you’re looking for a fantastic mid-range disc, it’s 100% gonna’ be on this list. Because I brought you the classics for this one. So choose wisely! However, if you want to check out a few other mid-ranges, you can head over to this post here – The 17 All-Time Best Disc Golf Mid-Range Discs!

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Don’t forget to check out the book!

If you’re looking for more tips and tricks on how to play disc golf, check out my book, “The Disc Golf Player’s Manual.” This ultimate beginner’s guide is loaded with over 200 pages of content, helping you to improve your game AND lower score on the disc golf course. Check it out here on my site.


I am an avid disc golfer and lover of the sport. My mission with is to reach as many people as possible to help them love disc golf, too!

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